Page 434 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 434

Los Angeles Convention Center Private Operator

          As part of the Management Agreement, AEG collects revenue from LACC operations, deposits those funds into a
          separate off-budget operating account, and expends directly from the account based on a budget approved by the
          Board of Los Angeles Convention and Tourism Development Commissioners (Board).


          AEG’s sources of expenditures are categorized as follows:

                                                     Actual         Adopted Budget        Proposed Budget
                                                     2018-19            2019-20                2020-21
           City Departmental Budget               $           919,976   $          1,419,948   $          1,302,254
           Alterations and Improvements and             3,488,590            612,929                       -
           Capital Improvement Projects
           Operating Budget for Private Manager           24,943,364             25,576,888              26,375,281

                          Total Appropriations    $      29,351,930      $        27,609,765   $        27,677,535

          1 The City Departmental Budget reflects the portion of CTD’s budget funded by LACC revenues. The 2019-20 and 2020-21 amounts
          include expenditures related to the Human Resources and Payroll project for the Information Technology Agency.

                                                    RESERVE ACCOUNT

          In accordance to Section 6.4(b)(i) of the Management Agreement,  the Board  shall request that the City Council
          appropriate as part of the CTD Department Budget a sum equal to ten percent of the Approved Annual Operating
          Budget to fund a Reserve Account. As such, the Board approved a budget request including a Reserve Account as
          described above, which was submitted on its behalf by the CTD for consideration as part of the 2014-15 Budget process.
          The 2014-15 Adopted Budget did not appropriate General Fund monies for this purpose. As such, AEG-LACC has and
          will continue to set aside Operating Revenues, when available, to build the Reserve Account.

          The purpose of the Reserve Account is to provide funding to be used for unanticipated LACC related expenses or to
          fund shortfalls caused by lower than expected revenues or higher than expected expenses. The table below provides
          the status of the Reserve Account held by AEG by fiscal year:
                            Fiscal Year                        Annual Incremental Amounts
                            2013-14                                    $           693,759
                            2014-15                                           2,168,119
                            2015-16                                           6,869,385
                            2016-17                                           1,537,187
                            2017-18                                           2,718,206
                            2018-19                                         (1,099,811)
                            2019-20 (Estimated)                                        0
                            2020-21 (Budgeted)                                      740,009
                            Estimated Ending Balance                    $     13,626,854

          *Detail of Revenues and Expenditures may not add up to the Convention Center Revenue Fund (Schedule 16) amounts due to
          differences in the reporting of certain transactions by AEG. AEG will update revenue and expenditure projections as the COVID-19
          crisis continues to evolve.

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