Page 444 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 444
Measure M Local Return Fund
2019-20 2020-21
Adopted Budget Proposed Budget
MLK Streetscape - Funds were provided for the MLK Streetscape 750,000 -
Open Streets Program* - Funds are provided for continued Open 1,500,000 500,000
Streets events throughout the City.
Paint and Sign Maintenance - Funds are provided to support the 1,170,588 1,171,000
purchase of paint and sign maintenance equipment and supplies for
striping and pavement markings for City streets. Funds are also provided
in the Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund ($100,000) and Measure
R Traffic Relief and Rail Expansion Fund ($1,800,000).
Speed Hump Program* - Funds are provided for the installation of 1,890,095 1,900,000
speed humps across the City.
Traffic Studies* - Funds are provided for traffic studies. 400,000 400,000
Traffic Surveys - Funds are provided for traffic surveys. - 100,000
Transportation Technology Strategy* - Funds are provided to continue 1,500,000 625,000
implementation of the Department of Transportation’s technology
Unimproved Median Island Maintenance - Funds were provided for the 1,000,000 -
maintenance of unimproved median islands citywide.
Venice Boulevard Great Streets Enhancements - Funds were 500,000 -
provided for Great Streets Program improvements on Venice Boulevard.
Vision Zero Corridor Projects - Funds are provided for street safety 7,566,777 3,065,487
projects along Vision Zero High Injury Network corridors, including speed
feedback sign installation and maintenance and pedestrian refuge island
implementation as needed.
Vision Zero Education and Outreach* - Funds are provided for Vision 1,000,000 1,000,000
Zero safety education, outreach, and project engagement.
Vision Zero Traffic Signals* - Funds are provided for Vision Zero traffic - 3,241,674
Reimbursement of General Fund Costs - Funds are provided to 21,405,097 23,345,179
reimburse the General Fund for fringe, central services, and department
administration and support.
Subtotal Special Purpose Fund Appropriations $ 55,905,427 $ 46,282,165
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 84,313,605 $ 70,881,488
* 2020-21 appropriations for Alley Paving ($3,000,000), Concrete Streets ($1,000,000), Open Streets Program
($500,000), Traffic Studies ($400,000), Transportation Technology Strategy ($625,000), Vision Zero Education and
Outreach ($1,000,000), and Vision Zero Traffic Signals ($3,241,675) are not authorized until January 1, 2021.
In addition, the Street Lighting at Existing Pedestrian Crosswalks ($500,000) and the North Atwater Multimodal Bridge
($693,314) projects within the 2020-21 Capital Improvement Expenditure Program - Physical Plant appropriation and
$1,000,000 of the 2020-21 Speed Hump Program appropriation are not authorized until January 1, 2021.