Page 455 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 455
Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund
2019-20 2020-21
Adopted Budget Proposed Budget
Inspection Travel Fleet Representative Procurement - Funds are $ 15,000 $ 15,000
provided for travel expenses to inspect new fleet vehicles.
Smart Technology for DASH and Commuter Express Buses - 135,000 5,400,000
Funds are provided for upgrading bus technologies from a 3G
network on all DASH and Commuter Express buses to the 4G
Solar Signs - Funds are provided for solar-powered signage. - 2,750,000
Third Party Inspections for Transit Capital - Funds are provided 250,000 -
for an objective third-party inspection of vehicles at the end of a
contract term upon turnover between contractors.
Vision Zero Bus Stop Security Lighting - Funds are provided for 495,000 495,000
lighting improvements at bus stops on or near the High Injury
Network to improve public safety.
Subtotal Transit Capital $ 21,895,000 $ 15,660,000
Transit Facility Security and Maintenance - Funds are provided $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000
for various maintenance and minor capital improvement projects at
City-owned and maintained transit facilities. Funds are also provided
for security at City transit stations and five Metrolink stations.
Subtotal Transit Facilities $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000
Downtown LA Streetcar Operations and Maintenance - Funds $ 6,000,000 -
were provided for long-term operations and maintenance for the
proposed Downtown LA Streetcar Project.
Eco Rapid Transit Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) - Funds are 50,000 50,000
provided for the JPA annual membership with Eco Rapid Transit for
the West Santa Ana Transit Corridor Project.
LCTOP Free Fare for Students - Funds are provided for free transit - 1,211,378
fare for students through the State’s Low Carbon Transit Operations
Program (LCTOP).
Matching Funds - Measure R Projects/LRTP/30-10 - Three 13,984,000 20,000,000
percent in matching funds is provided as part of the match
contribution for regional Measure R subway and rail construction
projects which are constructed within City limits and part of the Long
Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).
Memberships and Subscriptions 65,000 65,000
Office Supplies 15,000 15,000