Page 453 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 453

Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund

                                                                                2019-20               2020-21
                                                                            Adopted Budget       Proposed Budget


              Aging - Funds are provided for staff to administer the Multi-Purpose   $             416,722      $              350,922
              Centers Shuttle Program.

              Controller - Funds are provided for administration.                    117,675                91,392

              Council - Funds are provided for administration.                        89,000                80,136

              Personnel  -  Funds  are  provided  to  enhance  human  resources       66,643                82,596

              support  for  eligible  programs  and  initiatives  coordinated  by  the
              Department of Transportation.
              Public Works

                  Bureau of Contract Administration - Funds are provided for         115,585              106,082
                  construction inspection services.

                  Bureau  of  Street  Services  -  Funds  are  provided  for  the   2,284,256            2,109,174
                  installation  of  bus  pads  and  the  improvement  of  bus  stop
                  landings and curb ramps.

              Transportation - Funds are provided for administration of City mass   6,006,360            5,557,084
              transit services and other Proposition A related activities.

              Subtotal Departmental Appropriations                            $         9,096,241       $         8,377,386


              Facility Lease - Funds are provided for a Caltrans lease for a joint   $             600,000             $               600,000
              layover facility.
              Marketing City Transit Program - Funds are provided for customer     2,600,000              3,000,000
              service and marketing of City transit services.

              Reimbursement for Metro Bus Pass Sales - Funds were provided         1,400,000                     -
              in  order  to  reimburse  Metro.  The  Transit  Store  sells  Metro  bus
              passes, and the proceeds are deposited into City accounts.

              Transit  Operations  -  Funds  are  provided  for  DASH,  Commuter   122,355,000               138,000,000
              Express,   and   Cityride   transit   operations,   including   fuel

              Transit Sign Production and Installation - Funds are provided to                  300,000             300,000
              replace signage at DASH and Commuter Express bus stops.

              Transit Store - Funds are provided for the operation of the Transit                800,000                     800,000
              Store which is a central information outlet for transit services. The
              store  provides  information,  sells  tickets,  Metro  fare  media  and
              passes, and handles customer service complaints.   915
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