Page 453 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 453
Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund
2019-20 2020-21
Adopted Budget Proposed Budget
Aging - Funds are provided for staff to administer the Multi-Purpose $ 416,722 $ 350,922
Centers Shuttle Program.
Controller - Funds are provided for administration. 117,675 91,392
Council - Funds are provided for administration. 89,000 80,136
Personnel - Funds are provided to enhance human resources 66,643 82,596
support for eligible programs and initiatives coordinated by the
Department of Transportation.
Public Works
Bureau of Contract Administration - Funds are provided for 115,585 106,082
construction inspection services.
Bureau of Street Services - Funds are provided for the 2,284,256 2,109,174
installation of bus pads and the improvement of bus stop
landings and curb ramps.
Transportation - Funds are provided for administration of City mass 6,006,360 5,557,084
transit services and other Proposition A related activities.
Subtotal Departmental Appropriations $ 9,096,241 $ 8,377,386
Facility Lease - Funds are provided for a Caltrans lease for a joint $ 600,000 $ 600,000
layover facility.
Marketing City Transit Program - Funds are provided for customer 2,600,000 3,000,000
service and marketing of City transit services.
Reimbursement for Metro Bus Pass Sales - Funds were provided 1,400,000 -
in order to reimburse Metro. The Transit Store sells Metro bus
passes, and the proceeds are deposited into City accounts.
Transit Operations - Funds are provided for DASH, Commuter 122,355,000 138,000,000
Express, and Cityride transit operations, including fuel
Transit Sign Production and Installation - Funds are provided to 300,000 300,000
replace signage at DASH and Commuter Express bus stops.
Transit Store - Funds are provided for the operation of the Transit 800,000 800,000
Store which is a central information outlet for transit services. The
store provides information, sells tickets, Metro fare media and
passes, and handles customer service complaints. 915