Page 141 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 141

General Services

           This Department provides internal support for City programs in the delivery of services to City residents.  Services
           include the following:  fleet, building services, procurement and stores inventory, fuel, construction and alterations,
           custodial, real estate, mail and messenger, parking, emergency management and special event coordination, materials
           testing, and printing services.  By ordinance, the General Manager fills the Charter-established position of Purchasing

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21
                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

              95,650,536    116,083,157   116,084,000 Salaries General                                 101,749,534
               4,998,965       350,482        350,000 Salaries  Construction Projects                      319,984
               4,038,582      2,371,457     2,376,000 Salaries, As-Needed                                2,371,457
               4,132,522      3,692,553     3,692,000 Overtime General                                   3,692,553
                 66,392              -              - Overtime Construction                                      -
               7,246,608      5,707,135     6,358,000 Hiring Hall Salaries                               6,157,135
               7,991,371       110,000        110,000 Hiring Hall Construction                             217,987
               3,726,611      2,694,656     2,695,000 Benefits Hiring Hall                               2,744,656
               3,850,000             -              - Benefits Hiring Hall Construction                     79,469
                155,009        104,130        104,000 Overtime Hiring Hall                                 104,130
                159,554              -              - Overtime Hiring Hall Construction                          -

             132,016,150    131,113,570   131,769,000 Total Salaries                                   117,436,905
                  8,315         64,968         64,000 Printing and Binding                                  64,968
                245,613        280,200        280,000 Travel                                               280,200
              29,161,210     27,708,736    29,093,000 Contractual Services                              27,247,136
              34,884,966     34,681,457    36,841,000 Field Equipment Expense                           35,531,457
               5,569,162      5,846,863     5,847,000 Maintenance Materials, Supplies and Services       5,846,863
                913,965       1,008,870     1,009,000 Custodial Supplies                                 1,016,970
              17,013,088       188,570        840,000 Construction Materials                                65,216
              34,899,334     41,709,595    41,710,000 Petroleum Products                                39,809,595
                  5,804         23,176         24,000 Transportation                                        23,176
               3,708,963      4,449,788     4,450,000 Utilities Expense Private Company                  4,000,000
                 16,338         19,442         19,000 Marketing                                             19,442
                101,704        105,051        105,000 Uniforms                                             105,051
                448,528        462,957        463,000 Laboratory Testing Expense                           462,957
                595,572        731,917        732,000 Office and Administrative                            857,717
                741,671        906,178        906,000 Operating Supplies                                   784,578
              14,085,332     15,387,874    17,756,000 Leasing                                           19,516,436
             142,399,565    133,575,642   140,139,000 Total Expense                                    135,631,762

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