Page 262 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 262

Water and Electricity

                                                   SUPPORTING DATA
                                DISTRIBUTION OF 2020-21 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS

                                 Code/Program                           Budget         Costs        Total Cost of
                                                                                     Allocated To    Program
                                                                                    Other Budgets

           AJ60AJ Lighting of Streets                                     4,842,094     (4,842,094)            -
           BI60BI Aesthetic and Clean Streets and Parkway                  903,649       (903,649)             -
           CA60CA Street and Highway Transportation                       1,088,375     (1,088,375)            -
           DB60DB Educational Opportunities                               4,978,395     (4,978,395)            -
           FH60FH Public Buildings, Facilities and Services              35,845,321    (35,845,321)            -
           Total Water and Electricity                                   47,657,834    (47,657,834)            -

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