Page 267 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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Other Special Purpose Funds
               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21
                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
                1,605,973             -             - Greenland LA Metropolis TFAR                               -
                  32,910              -             - Home Ownership Assistance                                  -
                  60,000              -             - LAHSA AB1290                                               -
                  66,793              -             - Local Funding for Affordable Housing                       -
                 214,813              -             - Public Right of Way Cleanup Regional Storage               -
                       -     12,238,263             - Unallocated                                        8,933,742
                 461,214        391,289       467,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                  486,842

                                                     Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund (Sch. 7)

                  55,147              -             - BPW Green University                                       -
                 912,257         80,000      1,017,000 Expense and Equipment                             1,468,625
                  11,818              -         6,000 Green Street Infrastructure                                -
                 171,159        200,000       200,000 Media Tech Center                                    200,000
                       -              -       660,000 Miscellaneous Expenses                                     -
                  30,330        985,940       986,000 NPDES Permit Compliance                              497,000
                2,836,106     4,000,000      4,000,000 On Call Contractors (Emergency Funds)             4,798,565
                                                      Operation and Maintenance - TMDL Compliance
                       -        375,000        88,000                                                            -
                3,077,849             -      4,000,000 San Fernando Valley Stormwater Capture Projects           -
                2,334,775     4,500,000      4,500,000 Sanitation Contracts                              1,820,000
                       -      4,732,050      4,732,050 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               2,983,599

                                                     Measure W Local Return Fund (Sch. 7)

                       -      3,667,000             - Complete Streets - Water Quality Improvements              -
                       -        100,000             - Expense and Equipment                                150,000
                       -      4,000,000             - Feasibility Studies                                1,000,000
                                                      Operation and Maintenance - TMDL Compliance
                       -      5,163,094             -                                                    4,770,982
                                                      Payment for Sewer Construction Maintenance Fund
                       -      2,200,000             -                                                            -
                       -      7,900,000             - Regional Project Development and Revolving Funds   2,776,640
                       -              -             - Reimbursement of Prior Year Expenses               9,927,849
                       -      1,455,338             - Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                3,732,109

                                                     Community Development Trust Fund (Sch. 8)
                  48,947              -        20,000 Environmental Consultant                              20,000
                   3,268              -             - Translation Services                                   7,795
                6,342,881     7,874,690      5,147,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               8,147,100

                                                     HOME Investment Partnership Program Fund (Sch. 9)
                  94,583              -             - Contract Programming - Systems Upgrades                    -
                  36,098              -        80,000 Environmental Consultant                              80,000

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