Page 269 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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Other Special Purpose Funds
               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21
                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
                  31,728              -        21,000 Neighborhood Council Budget Advocacy                  32,000
                       -        180,925             - Neighborhood Empowerment - Future Year               186,965

                                                     Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund (Sch. 19)
                       -        460,000             - Assessment District Analysis                       2,053,656
                 709,999              -             - CIEP St Lighting Rehab Projects                            -
                       -         16,988             - County Collection Charges                                  -
                6,567,376    12,000,000     10,000,000 Energy                                           10,000,000
                 268,432        268,433       268,000 Energy Conservation Assistance Loan Repayment        268,432
                  58,739              -             - Engineering Special Service Fund                           -
                 274,801              -             - Enhanced MTA Bus Stops Security Lighting                   -
                 997,808              -             - Fleet Replacement                                          -
                 161,866        330,000        30,000 Graffiti Removal                                           -
                 220,897              -             - High Voltage Conversion Program                            -
                  50,601              -             - LED Fixtures                                               -
                   2,797         10,000         5,000 Official Notices                                      10,000
                       -        443,055       200,000 Smart Nodes                                                -
                       -         75,000       150,000 Strategic Plan FUSE Fellow                            75,000
                       -      3,904,830      3,904,000 Street Lighting Improvements and Supplies                 -
                 153,119        980,000       694,000 Tree Trimming                                        500,000
               10,205,235    13,201,393     18,797,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              17,715,107

                                                     Telecommunications Development Account (Sch. 20)

                  43,895        289,750       290,000 Cable Franchise Oversight                            289,750
                 505,000        505,000       505,000 Grants to Citywide Access Corporation                505,000
                 802,698      2,166,996      2,100,000 L.A. Cityview 35 Operations                       2,166,996
                1,779,367             -             - PEG Access Capital Costs                           1,422,892
                3,853,177     4,328,112      4,300,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               4,796,365

                                                     Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Fund (Sch. 22)
                2,429,828     4,435,422      3,072,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               5,062,089

                                                     Rent Stabilization Trust Fund (Sch. 23)

                 501,939        310,500      1,509,000 Contract Programming - Systems Upgrades             612,000
                   6,793              -             - Engineering Special Service Fund                           -
                 289,422              -       274,000 Fair Housing                                         330,000
                   7,109          5,000         7,000 Hearing Officer Contract                               5,000
                 654,397      1,000,000      1,771,000 Relocation Services Provider Fee                  1,000,000
                   9,875          7,500         9,000 Rent and Code Outreach Program                         7,500
                       -              -        80,000 Rent Stabilization Fee Study                          80,000
                  94,698              -       411,000 Service Delivery                                      37,500

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