Page 268 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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Other Special Purpose Funds
               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21
                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
                 326,452         45,000        45,000 Occupancy Monitoring                                       -
                   9,560        200,000       122,000 Technical Services                                   132,000
                1,083,536     2,319,621      1,241,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               2,368,510

                                                     Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Fund (Sch. 10)
                                                      Alternate Fuel Fleet Vehicles, Trucks, and
                       -        359,820       359,820                                                      330,115
                       -        200,000       200,000 Carshare Bikeshare Professional Services                   -
                       -        400,000             - Electric Vehicle Carshare Program                    400,000
                       -        375,000       125,000 Sustainable Transportation Initiatives               455,584
                       -        500,000       500,000 Open Streets Program                                 500,000
                       -         15,000        15,000 Single Audit Contract                                 15,000
                       -      2,392,976      2,393,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               2,317,281

                                                     Community Service Block Grant Trust Fund (Sch. 13)

                 573,128        556,371       631,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                  496,245

                                                     Park and Recreational Sites and Facilities Fund (Sch. 15)
                  72,779              -             - Albion Riverside Park                                      -
                 363,240              -             - Algin Sutton Rec Center                                    -
                  36,294              -             - Alpine Recreation Center                                   -
                 696,416              -             - Eagle Rock Dog Park Project                                -
                 136,289              -             - Lincoln Park Pool                                          -
                      20              -             - Los Angeles Zoo Health Center                              -
                 193,095              -             - Proposition K Projects Fund                                -
                   1,623              -             - Rockwood Pocket Park                                       -
                 104,240              -             - Woodland Hills Recreation Center                           -
                1,347,927             -             - Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund                                  -

                                                     Convention Center Revenue Fund (Sch. 16)
                1,077,000             -             - Convention Center Facility Reinvestment                    -
               28,431,954    26,189,817     23,385,000 LACC Private Operator Account                    26,375,281
                5,000,000     5,000,000      5,000,000 LACC Private Operator Cash Flow                   5,000,000
                       -              -             - LACC Private Operator Reserve                        740,009
                1,870,903     1,573,616      1,574,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                 770,179

                                                     Department of Neighborhood Empowerment Fund (Sch. 18)
                  24,867              -        29,000 Congress/Budget Advocacy Account                      39,000
                       -         22,741             - Department on Disability Compliance Officers               -
                                                      Empower LA Awards - CD10 Redevelopment
                   3,491              -        12,000                                                       10,000

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