Page 28 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 28


               Special Funds are used to account for revenues derived from specific taxes, fees, governmental grants, or
               other revenue sources that are designated to finance particular functions and activities of the City. Special
               fund revenues include charges to customers or applicants for services provided, operating grants, and
               special assessments.  Detailed explanations  of each Special Fund can be found  in  Section  3 of the
               Proposed Budget. Examples of special funds to be spent for a variety of restricted purposes are:

               The  Sewer Enterprise Fund  accounts for the  construction,  operations,  and maintenance  of the City’s
               wastewater collection and treatment system.

               The Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund accounts for all capital and operational activities associated
               with solid waste collection, recycling, recovery, and disposal.

               The  Building and Safety  Permit Fund  accounts for the fees collected for plan check, permitting,  and
               inspection of new construction in the City; testing of construction materials and methods; and, examining
               the licensing of welders, equipment operators, and registered deputy building inspectors.

               The Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Improvement Fund accounts for the additional one-half cent sales
               tax to  improve transit service and  operations, reduce traffic congestion,  improved air quality and the
               condition of streets and freeways utilized by public transit, and reduce foreign fuel dependence.

               The Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund accounts for the City’s 25 percent share of the additional
               one-half cent sales tax within the County of Los Angeles for public transit programs.

               The Special Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund accounts for gasoline tax and Traffic Congestion Relief
               Fund and federal grant revenues from the Surface Transportation Program to be used for the City’s local
               streets and road system.  In April 2017, the Legislature enacted Chapter 5 (SB 1, Beall), also known as the
               Road Repair and Accountability Act, that increases state revenues for California's transportation system
               from the State for basic road maintenance, rehabilitation, and critical safety projects on the local streets
               and roads system, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code section 2032(h).

               The  Community  Development  Fund  accounts  for  federal  grant  funds  for  community  and  economic
               development within the City.

               The Special Parking Revenue Fund accounts for all monies collected from parking meters in the City except
               those located in established vehicle parking districts for operations of meters in the City.

               Allocations from Other Governmental  Agencies Special  Revenue Fund  is not all-inclusive because the
               budget provides for only the portion of fund receipts that are expended to finance City  department

               Continuing appropriations for Special Funds are carried forward to the next budget year. Funds for unspent
               prior-year appropriations are reserved to indicate that they are not available for new spending because they
               have been committed.

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