Page 308 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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          SCHEDULE 11
                                           SPECIAL PARKING REVENUE FUND
          The Special Parking Revenue Fund receives all monies collected from parking meters and City-owned parking lots in the City in
          accordance with Division 5 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Fund monies may be used for the following purposes: 1)
          purchasing, leasing, installing, maintaining, operating, regulating and policing of parking meters and metered spaces, collection of
          meter revenue and related expenses; 2) the purchase, improvement, and operation of off-street parking facilities; 3) the painting and
          marking of streets and curbs required for the parking of motor vehicles within parking meter zones; and, 4) the payment of debt
          service costs incurred for off-street parking facilities. LAAC Section 5.117 Subsection 6 allows the City to establish surplus funding
          which may be transferred to the Reserve Fund for general governmental purposes, after paying, or setting aside funding for the cost
          of operations and maintenance for eligible activities.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2018-19         2019-20                                                                 2020-21
                 5,429,315        4,333,008  Cash Balance, July 1                                         7,000,000
                        -                -  PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations           6,809,294
                 5,429,315        4,333,008  Balance Available, July 1                                     190,706
                13,324,745        9,860,000  11,763 Hollywood and Highland Lot 745                       13,800,000
                   719,080        19,246,000  11,768 Lease and Rental Fees                                 726,000
                   453,174          406,000  11,787 Parking Fees                                           386,000
                 9,801,119        7,400,000  11,788 Parking Lots                                         10,200,000
                56,710,171        45,950,000  11,789 Parking Meters                                      57,500,000
                   267,435        1,376,000  11,840 Other Receipts                                         110,000
                 1,019,790          735,000  11,842 Interest                                               767,000
                32,115,566        31,294,008  11,845 Surplus Transfer to the Reserve Fund                27,720,568
                55,609,263        58,012,000  Total Revenue                                              55,959,138

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                   474,562          605,000  375 General Services                                                -
                    32,204            5,000  447 Information Technology Agency                                   -
                   118,706          143,000  533 Police                                                          -
                   394,600          418,000  691 Transportation                                            394,600
                 6,452,607        6,453,000  839 Capital Finance Administration                           6,439,545
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                   146,500          146,500  10,618.75  Blossom Plaza Easements and Improvements           146,500
                 5,512,317        3,000,000  10,635  Capital Equipment Purchases                          5,500,000
                 2,173,507        3,000,000  10,650  Collection Services                                  3,000,000
                21,798,377        22,000,000  10,660  Contractual Services                               23,000,000
                    21,587               -  10,685  General Services - Related Cost                              -
                    41,500               -  10,690.5  Hollywood Parking Facility - SPRF                          -
                 2,112,325        2,300,000  10,701  Maintenance, Repair, & Utility Service for Off-Street Lots  2,500,000
                    29,218           60,000  10,712  Miscellaneous Equipment                                60,000
                   330,000          360,000  10,722  Parking Facilities Lease Payments                     360,000
                 4,887,104        5,000,000  10,725  Parking Meter and Off-Street Parking Administration  6,109,262
                   128,210          500,000  10,725.5  Parking Studies                                     500,000
                    88,890               -  10,727.25  Parking Way Finding Signs                                 -
                 1,596,298        1,400,000  10,747  Replacement Parts, Tools and Equipment               1,400,000
                    18,377           15,000  10,794.5  Travel and Training                                  32,000

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