Page 310 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 310


          SCHEDULE 12
                                         CITY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT FUND
          An annual tax levy or appropriation from available funds is required by Charter Section 1160 to meet the cost of maintenance of the
          retirement fund, which provides retirement, disability, and death benefits for officers and employees of the City except members of
          the Fire and Police Pensions System and members of the Water and Power Employees' Retirement Plan. This schedule reflects the
          contributions of the Airports and Harbor Departments and the Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement and Los Angeles Fire and
          Police Pensions Systems to pay for retirement costs for their employees.

               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2018-19         2019-20                                                                 2020-21
                83,269,380        87,203,000  11,726 Airport Revenue Fund                                79,548,574
                22,065,405        23,150,000  11,726.5 Harbor Revenue Fund                               25,458,130
                 3,141,661        3,817,000  11,732 City Employees' Retirement System Revenue Fund        4,488,509
                 3,073,400        3,198,000  11,790 Fire and Police Pensions System Revenue Fund          3,755,891
                111,549,846      117,368,000  Total Revenue                                             113,251,104

          EXPENDITURES                       APPROPRIATIONS
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                111,549,846      117,368,000  1,095  Civilian Pensions - Special Fund Appropriation     113,251,104

                111,549,846      117,368,000  Total Appropriations                                      113,251,104
                        -                -   Ending Balance, June 30                                            -

          The 2020-21 contribution reflects a credit from the 2019-20 true-up adjustment.

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