Page 314 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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          SCHEDULE 14
                                  SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE FUND
               Actual          Estimated                                                                Total
             Expenditures    Expenditures                                                              Budget
               2018-19         2019-20                                                                 2020-21
          Fund  761                          Sewer Capital Fund (Sch. 14)
                   354,475          368,000  87 City Administrative Officer                                327,108
                   316,410          245,000  111 City Attorney                                             300,042
                   263,769          300,000  187 Controller                                                251,351
                   421,611          442,000  323 Finance                                                   409,230
                 1,862,530        1,676,000  375 General Services                                         1,516,582
                        -           118,000  447 Information Technology Agency                             106,962
                   211,887          484,000  505 Personnel                                                 432,195
                 1,095,025        1,132,000  575 Board of Public Works                                    1,011,954
                 9,908,284        9,608,000  595 Bureau of Contract Administration                        9,285,344
                38,693,151        40,354,000  607 Bureau of Engineering                                  39,888,981
                 3,787,058        4,344,000  635 Bureau of Sanitation                                     3,515,892
                    81,484          215,000  653 Bureau of Street Lighting                                 179,786
                   107,987          190,000  691 Transportation                                            326,203
                 1,816,916        1,818,000  839 Capital Finance Administration                           1,816,984
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                225,000,000      371,120,000  862  CIEP - Clean Water                                   313,074,000
                 1,361,184        3,000,000  2,377  Bond Issuance Costs                                   5,075,000
                 4,225,406        12,324,000  2,513  General Services Expense and Equipment               9,837,000
                   206,266          247,000  2,618  Insurance and Bonds Premium Fund                       253,600
                   142,755        2,100,000  2,621  Interest-Commercial Paper                             3,000,000
                    58,816           63,700  2,784  PW-Contract Admin-Expense and Equipment                 65,400
                 1,378,698        1,363,000  2,785  PW-Engineering Expense and Equipment                  1,398,200
                 1,989,189        4,307,000  2,786  PW-Sanitation Expense and Equipment                   4,204,353
                13,605,483        13,605,000  2,796  Repayment of State Revolving Fund Loan              13,605,500
                        -         3,000,000  10,434.03  Street Damage Restoration Fee Special Fund (Schedule 47)  3,000,000
                    88,262               -  10,501  WW System Auditors                                           -
                30,930,088        36,678,000  10,718.56  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs             40,868,556
               337,906,734       509,101,700  Subtotal                                                  453,750,223
          Fund  W53                          WSRB Series 2006 A-D Subordinate Debt Service Fund (Sch. 14)
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                   966,319               -  2,622  Interest Expense                                              -
                15,696,000               -  10,229.75  Swap Termination Payment                                  -
                16,662,319               -   Subtotal                                                            -
          Fund  W57                          WSRB Series 2009-A Debt Service Fund (Sch. 14)
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                   380,863               -  2,622  Interest Expense                                              -
                 7,445,000               -  2,777  Principal                                                     -
                 7,825,863               -   Subtotal                                                            -

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