Page 328 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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          SCHEDULE 24
          Section 5.115.4 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code establishes the Arts and Cultural Facilities and Services Trust Fund.  The
          Fund shall receive an amount equal to one percent of the total cost of all construction, improvement or remodeling work for each
          public works capital improvement project undertaken by the City in compliance with the City's Public Works Improvement Arts
          Program.  Also, an amount from the City's General Fund equivalent to the amount which would be derived from a Transient
          Occupancy Tax imposed at the rate of one percent shall be placed in the Fund.  Expenditures from the Fund shall be exclusively for:
          (1) acquisition or placement of publicly accessible works of art; (2) acquisition or construction of arts and cultural facilities; (3) the
          providing of arts and cultural services; (4) restoration or preservation of existing works of art; (5) the City's costs of administering the
          Public Works Improvement Arts Program; and, (6) support to programs and operations of the Cultural Affairs Department.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2018-19         2019-20                                                                 2020-21
                 7,519,817       10,801,760  Cash Balance, July 1                                         8,468,760
                        -                -  PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations           2,846,478
                 7,519,817        10,801,760  Balance Available, July 1                                   5,622,282
                24,782,000        25,125,000  11,759 General Fund                                        20,680,000
                   167,840           96,000  11,786 One Percent for the Arts                                95,000
                 1,023,625        1,561,000  11,806 Reimbursement from Other Agencies                      939,044
                        -                -  11,827.5 Cultural Affairs Department Trust Fund (Schedule 29)  150,000
                   127,392          130,000  11,842 Interest                                               160,362
                33,620,674        37,713,760  Total Revenue                                              27,646,688

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                    43,070               -  221 Council                                                          -
                11,726,325        18,142,000  229 Cultural Affairs                                       16,328,408
                 1,920,135          901,000  375 General Services                                          250,000
                    1,840           288,000  447 Information Technology Agency                              14,733
                        -            83,000  505 Personnel                                                 101,107
                   750,000          750,000  533 Police                                                    750,000
                   100,000          100,000  575 Board of Public Works                                     100,000
                   535,275          321,000  927 General City Purposes                                     320,975
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                        -                -  860  CIEP - Municipal Facilities                               400,697
                   288,000          308,000  1,091  Recreation and Parks - Special Fund Appropriation            -
                   285,000          285,000  1,880  El Pueblo Fund                                         285,000
                    6,940                -  1,882  Engineering Special Services                                  -
                    26,000               -  1,883  General Services Trust Fund                                   -
                    64,758          312,000  1,885  Landscaping and Miscellaneous Maintenance              656,235
                        -           300,000  1,889  Little Madrid Theater                                        -
                        -           100,000  1,890  Los Angeles Theater Center                                   -
                    27,400               -  1,891  Mural Project Implementation                                  -
                    93,608          406,000  1,892  Others (Prop K Maintenance)                            150,000
                    3,406                -  1,897  Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund                            -
                    9,792            17,000  1,898  Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund                      17,000
                        -            60,000  1,904  William Grant Still Arts Center                              -

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