Page 330 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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          SCHEDULE 25
                                         ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEE TRUST FUND
          Section 5.346 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code establishes the Arts Development Fee Trust Fund.  The owners of any non-
          residential development project over $500,000 in value shall pay a fee not exceeding one percent of the total value of work and
          construction authorized by the building permit.  The fee is used to provide cultural and artistic facilities, services, and community
          amenities for the project.  If private facilities, services, and community amenities for cultural and artistic purposes are provided in the
          proposed development project, then a dollar-for-dollar credit may be granted against the Arts Development Fee.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2018-19         2019-20                                                                 2020-21
                18,262,592       19,527,331  Cash Balance, July 1                                        19,002,331
                        -                -  PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations          17,947,199
                18,262,592        19,527,331  Balance Available, July 1                                   1,055,132
                 2,810,026        3,000,000  11,727 Arts Development Fee                                  3,000,000
                   677,707               -  11,806 Reimbursement from Other Agencies                            -
                   338,767          150,000  11,842 Interest                                               358,779
                22,089,092        22,677,331  Total Revenue                                               4,413,911

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                    6,934                -  375 General Services                                                 -
                    85,135               -  653 Bureau of Street Lighting                                        -
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                   581,463          452,000  1,873  Arts and Cultural Facilities and Services Fund (Schedule 24)  419,803
                 1,888,229        3,223,000  1,875  Arts Projects                                         3,994,108

                 2,561,761        3,675,000  Total Appropriations                                         4,413,911
                19,527,331        19,002,331  Ending Balance, June 30                                           -

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