Page 331 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 331

          SCHEDULE 26
                                 PROPOSITION A LOCAL TRANSIT ASSISTANCE FUND
          Public Utilities Code Section 130350 provides that the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission may adopt a sales tax within
          the County, provided that it is approved by a majority of the electors.  Funds are used  to (a) improve and expand existing public
          transit Countywide, including reduction of transit fares, (b) construct and operate a rail rapid transit system, and (c) more effectively
          use State and Federal funds, benefit assessments, and fares.  The City receives an allocation from a 25 percent share of the
          revenue collected, based on the City's percentage share of the population of Los Angeles County.  Thirty-five percent of the
          proceeds are allocated to the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission for construction and operation of a rail system and 40
          percent is allocated to the Commission for public transit purposes.

               Actual          Estimated                                                                Budget
               2018-19         2019-20                                                                 2020-21
                242,827,021      250,268,214  Cash Balance, July 1                                       236,788,214
                         -               -  PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations          236,202,821
                242,827,021      250,268,214  Balance Available, July 1                                     585,393
                         -          891,000  11,725 Advertising                                             901,000
                         -         9,812,000  11,748 Farebox Revenue                                      11,966,729
                  2,731,403        1,198,000  11,768 Lease and Rental Fees                                  193,908
                         -         1,462,000  11,780 MTA Bus Passes                                       1,491,240
                         -         4,811,000  11,781 MTA Additional Support for Bus Operations - Measure R  4,907,220
                 81,141,708       81,840,000  11,799 Proposition A Local Transit Tax                      77,731,632
                 60,450,516       82,887,000  11,806.5 Reimbursement from Other Funds                    139,685,000
                 15,490,780               -  11,840 Other Receipts                                               -
                  4,135,267        4,400,000  11,842 Interest                                             4,100,000
                406,776,695      437,569,214  Total Revenue                                              241,562,122

          EXPENDITURES                                           APPROPRIATIONS
                   389,569          333,000  5 Aging                                                       350,922
                    91,293          117,000  187 Controller                                                 91,392
                    89,000           89,000  221 Council                                                    80,136
                         -           67,000  505 Personnel                                                  82,596
                  1,410,605              -  533 Police                                                           -
                   261,361          116,000  595 Bureau of Contract Administration                         106,082
                   109,917           64,000  607 Bureau of Engineering                                           -
                    43,437               -  653 Bureau of Street Lighting                                        -
                  2,562,440        2,284,000  667 Bureau of Street Services                               2,109,174
                  4,360,625        5,609,000  691 Transportation                                          5,557,084
                                            Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                                              City Transit Service
                         -          600,000  10,680.25  Facility Lease                                     600,000
                  2,710,368        2,600,000  10,705  Marketing City Transit Program                      3,000,000
                  1,445,430        1,400,000  10,744  Reimbursement for MTA Bus Pass Sales                       -
                 78,819,633      122,355,000  10,785  Transit Operations                                138,000,000
                   202,334          300,000  10,787  Transit Sign Production and Installation              300,000
                   620,395          800,000  10,789  Transit Store                                         800,000
                    12,963          500,000  10,796  Universal Fare System                                 250,000
                                              Specialized Transit
                  4,850,437        3,000,000  10,618.25  Bikeshare Operations and Maintenance             5,000,000
                         -               -  10,647.25  Cityride Fare Card                                 2,000,000

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