Page 202 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
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2010-11  38  327  696  -  116  779  105  257  -  -  -  163  133  108  40  10  198  14  14  3  -  21  337  3,588  303  3,891  1,566  535  -  -  476  94  18  408  10,467  3,273  13,740  -  102  -  237  752  -  -  2,809  214  806  1,316  35  229  828  1,550  32,965

                   2009-10  41  357  806  -  125  835  134  270  -  -  -  188  165  108  68  13  198  17  19  3  28  24  362  3,588  353  3,941            2,042  535  -  20  637  93  43  441  10,467  3,545  14,012          -  130  -  281  894  -  -  2,845  230  1,157  1,425  39  245               1,132            1,961            35,864

                   2008-09  44  357               810               -  130  831               150               270               -  16  3                   189               165               108               76  13  210               21  17  3                   31  23  362               3,586            353               3,939            2,217            501               6  -  729               93  49  464               10,467          3,786            14,253          -  130

                   2007-08  44  320  839  -  128  851  145  271  -  16  5  188  165  108  81  14  262  21  16  3  37  27  361  3594  346  3,940            2267  503  10  -  730  70  52  436  10466  3778  14,244          -  158  -  309  980  -  -  2,907            246               1,282            1,581            38  268               1,133            2,117            37,173

                   2006-07*  2005-06  43              43   321                          296   839                          837   -  -  128                          126   852                         808   140                          138   271                          306   -  -  8               24   5                               12   187                          186   165                          163   108                         108   73               74   14              23   273

            2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET AUTHORIZED REGULAR POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT SINCE 2000-01  2004-05  2003-04  42  48  296               304               835               858               -  -  -  125  129  808               820               137               139               304               323               -  -  -  24                 37  12                 15  180               183               163               197               108               108               74

                   2001-02  2002-03  48  48  309               313               859               863               -  122               123               839               839               140               133               323               320               -  42  42  15  13  183               183               208               208               108               108               97  98  26  28  281               282               53  59  14  17  8  8  43  43  29  29  360

                   2000-01  48  247               829               -  118               829               126               306               -  41  12  171               198               108               91  26  274               59  11  8  42  27  344               3,165            331               3,496            1,673            377  26  -  745               74  32  372               10,061          3,589            13,650          -  63  84  331               976

                   DEPARTMENT  Cannabis Regulation  City Administrative Officer  Civil and Human Rights Commissio Comm. Child.,Youth and Fam.  Comm. on Status Women  Department on Disability  Economic Development  Emergency Management Employee Relations Board  Environmental Affairs  Subtotal Housing and Community Investmen             Human Relations Comm. Department of Human Services  Information Tech. Agency  Neighborhood Empowerment  Subtotal    Board of Public Works    Contract A

                    Aging  Animal Services  Building and Safety  City Attorney  City Clerk  City Planning  Controller  Convention Center  Council  Cultural Affairs  El Pueblo  Ethics Commission  Finance  Fire - Sworn  Fire - Civilian  General Services**  Mayor  Personnel  Police - Sworn  Police - Civilian  Public Accountability  Public Works    Accounting    Engineering    Sanitation    Street Lighting    Street Services  Transportation  Treasurer  Zoo  Library

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