Page 206 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 206

2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET                                                                            2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET POLICE SHARE OF UNRESTRICTED REVENUES  60%  55.3%  54.2%  55%  53.5%  53.1%  53.0%  52.8%  52.6%  53.8%  52.4%  52.3%  52.0%  50%  Percent  45%  40%  35%  20-21  19-20  18-19  17-18  16-17  15-16  14-15  13-14  12-13  11-12  10-11  Fiscal Year Ending

                                               Budget      Estimated     Estimated     Estimated     Estimated
                                               2020-21       2021-22       2022-23      2023-24       2024-25
             No. Authorized Positions                10,703         10,703         10,703         10,703  10,703
             Average Filled                          10,067         10,067         10,067         10,067  10,067
             Net New Hired                                     8  -             -             -            -

             Funding Required (Million)       $    1,276.4  $    1,317.8  $    1,358.7  $    1,358.7  $  1,358.7
             Additional Funding Needed for
             Every 1% Salary Increase (Million)  $         12.8  $         13.2  $         13.6  $         13.6  $  13.6

             No. Authorized Positions                  3,477           3,477           3,477           3,477  3,477
             Average Filled                            3,035           3,035           3,035           3,035  3,035
             Funding Required (Million)       $       271.2  $       279.0  $       280.8  $       280.8  $  280.8
             Additional Funding Needed for
             Every 1% Salary Increase (Million)  $           2.7  $           2.8  $           2.8  $           2.8  $  2.8

             1. For projection purposes, it is assumed that sworn hiring will counteract attrition to maintain a force of 10,007 plus 104
                officers funded by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Agency (LACMTA). Sworn attrition
                assumptions factor in the impacts of the Deferred Retirement Option Plan, also known as DROP. For civilian staffing, it
                is assumed that hiring will counteract 275 out of 275 anticipated separations.
             2. Salary adjustment for civilians and sworn employees are based on adopted Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or
                MOUs pending adoption. For these purposes, no salary adjustments beyond those negotiated to date are included in
                the annual cost. If salary adjustments are made, the increase in cost is compounded in future years.
             3. Projecting the source of funds for on-going years is not possible as state and federal grants fluctuate significantly over
                time. It is assumed that the majority of these costs will be a General Fund expense except those reimbursed by the
                LACMTA for 104 sworn officers ($13.75 million) and 26 civilians ($2.2 million) and the Local Public Safety Fund
                ($43.37 million) for 367 sworn officers.
             4. Funding required is for direct costs only and does not include increased funding levels that would be required for

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