Page 209 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 209


             Assumptions for 2020-21:
             1. On July 1, 2020, 3,331 Firefighters are estimated to be on the payroll.
             2. Approximately 91 Firefighters (Sworn members) will leave over the course of the year, not including Academy
             3. Funding is provided for 65 recruits entering an Academy class in November 2020 (Class 20-2) and for an
                additional 65 recruits entering an Academy class scheduled to begin in April 2021 (Class 20-3). Funding for the
                completion of recruit training for a class that began in 2019-20 (Class 19-2) is also included.
             4. The Academy graduation rate is an estimated 80 percent. It is anticipated that Class 19-2, Class 20-2, and Class
                20-3 will graduate a total of 156 recruits in 2020-21 to offset sworn attrition. An estimated total of 130 recruits from
                Classes 19-2 and 20-2 will be hired in 2020-21.
             5. Average salary is $4,916 per pay period, or $128,316 per year, including bonuses.
             6. Vacation paid out at separation is an estimated $3.3 million.

                         2019-20 Adopted Budget $    403,871,769
                       2020-21 Proposed Budget       429,087,197
                                       Change $      25,215,428

             Non-Discretionary Changes
                                        BB No.     Amount      Description
                                             1 $      26,638,562 2019-20 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                             2 $      20,207,262 2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                             3 $       (1,728,986) Change in Number of Working Days
                                             4         23,705,681 Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions
                                             5          (9,417,013) Salary Step and Turnover Effect
                                             6        (12,009,957) Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities
                 Total Non-Discretionary Changes $      47,395,549

             Discretionary Changes
                                        BB No.     Amount      Description
                                            11 $       (1,500,000) Expense Account Adjustments
                                            15 $       (4,618,732) One-Time Salary Reduction
                                            18 $     (28,464,322) Salary Account Adjustment
                                            22              122,046 Arson Counter Terrorism Section (ACTS)
                                            23           4,813,290 2016 SAFER Grant
                                            24           1,126,204 2017 SAFER Grant
                                            25           1,708,644 Incident Command Support
                                            27              238,726 Community Emergency Response Team
                                            30              447,621 Plan Check Inspections
                                            32              139,135 Oil Well Inspections
                                            33              865,026 Cannabis Enforcement
                                            35           1,464,552 Basic Life Support Ambulance Staffing
                                            36              153,186 Computer-Aided Dispatch
                                            38              732,276 Advanced Provider Response Unit
                                            43              275,232 Youth Development Programs
                                            44              119,363 Youth Development Recruitment
                                            45              197,632 Capital and Facilities Planning
                      Total Discretionary Changes $     (22,180,121)

               TOTAL CHANGES FROM 2019-20 $         25,215,428

                       TOTAL SWORN SALARY $        429,087,197

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