Page 210 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 210


             Assumptions for 2020-21:
             1. An average of 379 civilian positions will be filled throughout the year (12% vacancy rate).
             2. Average salary is $3,585 per pay period, or $93,576 per year.

                      2019-20 Adopted Budget $          38,245,817
                     2020-21 Proposed Budget             34,597,104
                                     Change $          (3,648,713)

             Obligatory Changes
                                      BB No.      Amount       Description
                                           1 $               848,184 2019-20 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                           2                  332,640 2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                           3                (148,875) Change in Number of Working Days
                                           4                  558,908 Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions
                                           5                (535,190) Salary Step and Turnover Effect
                                           6             (1,894,354) Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities
                                           7                (757,956) Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding
               Total Non-Discretionary Changes $          (1,596,643)

             Discretionary Changes
                                      BB No.      Amount       Description
                                          14 $             (933,196) Hiring Freeze Policy
                                          16             (3,728,149) Furlough Program
                                          29                  109,175 Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA)
                                          31                  128,230 LAWA Landside Access Modernization Program
                                          33                  144,950 Cannabis Enforcement
                                          34                  116,855 Administration of Controlled Medication
                                          38                  736,449 Advanced Provider Response Unit (APRU)
                                          39                    96,213 Youth Programs Coordinator
                                          46                  272,161 Public Safety Technology Team
                                          47                  296,830 Mobile and Portable Communications Support
                                          48                  106,560 Fire Inspection Management System
                                          49                  187,016 Mental Health Services
                                          50                    97,892 Community Liaison Office
                                          51                  123,169 Return-To-Work Coordinator
                                          52                  193,775 Administrative Services Bureau
                   Total Discretionary Changes $          (2,052,070)

             TOTAL CHANGES FROM 2019-20 $           (3,648,713)

                    TOTAL CIVILIAN SALARY $          34,597,104

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