Page 215 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 215

                           PROJECTED VACANCIES AND POSITION AUTHORITY IN 2019-20

                                         Projected Vacancies on June 30, 2020*  Projected Position Authorities on June 30, 2020*
                  Department           General Fund  Other Funds  Total   General Fund  Other Funds    Total
        Aging                                               2                       5                     7                        6                        45                          51
        Animal Services                                   51                        -                   51                    383                         1                        384
        Building and Safety                               18                   141                 159                    112                     983                     1,095
        Cannabis Regulations                                 -                       8                     8                         -                        38                          38
        City Administrative Officer                         7                       1                     8                    118                        12                        130
        City Attorney                                     48                       5                   53                    942                     130                     1,072
        City Clerk                                          5                       1                     6                    104                        15                        119
        City Planning                                     26                     66                   92                    114                     392                        506
        Controller                                        48                       1                   49                    173                        21                        194
        Convention Center                                    -                       5                     5                         -                        15                          15
        Council                                              -                        -                      -                    108                          -                        108
        Cultural Affairs                                     -                     20                   20                         -                        85                          85
        Disability                                          4                        -                     4                      29                          -                          29
        Economic and Workforce Development                       4                     37                   41                      21                     144                        165
        El Pueblo                                            -                       1                     1                         -                        10                          10
        Emergency Management                                2                        -                     2                      30                         1                          31
        Employee Relations Board                             -                        -                      -                        3                          -                            3
        Ethics Commission                                   3                        -                     3                      33                          -                          33
        Finance                                           81                        -                   81                    366                         7                        373
         Civilian                                         60                       7                   67                    441                        14                        455
         Sworn                                          144                       1                 145                 3,509                         6                     3,515
        General Services                                120                     17                 137                 1,006                     451                     1,457
        Housing and Community Investment                     20                     61                   81                      60                     709                        769
        Information Technology Agency                     44                       8                   52                    365                        90                        455
        Mayor                                                -                        -                      -                      94                          -                          94
        Neighborhood Empowerment                            5                        -                     5                      35                          -                          35
        Personnel                                         40                     32                   72                    505                     107                        612
         Civilian                                       431                        -                 431                 3,486                          -                     3,486
         Sworn                                          673                        -                 673               10,301                     401                   10,702
        Public Accountability                               5                        -                     5                      10                          -                          10
        Public Works
         Board Office                                     10                       3                   13                      73                        47                        120
         Contract Administration                            9                     77                   86                      60                     361                        421
         Engineering                                      46                     71                 117                    351                     609                        960
         Sanitation                                       81                   419                 500                    261                   3,166                     3,427
         Street Lighting                                     -                     42                   42                         -                     352                        352
         Street Services                                129                   200                 329                    498                  1,066                     1,564
        Transportation                                    96                   177                 273                 1,073                     701                     1,774
        Zoo                                                  -                     24                   24                     -                     273                        273
              Subtotal                               2,212                1,430              3,642               24,670                 10,252                   34,922

        Library                                              -                     93                   93                         -                   1,101                     1,101
        Recreation and Parks                                 -                   318                 318                         -                   1,802                     1,802
              Subtotal                                       -                   411                 411                         -                   2,903                     2,903
                    TOTAL                            2,212                1,841              4,053               24,670                 13,155                   37,825

         * Projected vacancies and projected position authorities include resolution authority and substitute positions.

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