Page 218 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 218

                                       TARGETED LOCAL HIRE PROGRAM

                          Total Employees Hired through the Targeted Local Hire Program, by Department*
               Includes all employees hired, including those who subsequently resigned, promoted, or were terminated.

            Department                                2016-17**        2017-18        2018-19       2019-20***
              Aging                                        -              -              -               3
              Airports                                    33             46              17             34
              Animal Services                              -              4              13             12
              Building and Safety                          -             19              10             12
              Cannabis Regulation                          -              2              2               2
              Chief Legislative Analyst                   2               1              -               -
              City Administrative Officer                  -              2              1               -
              City Clerk                                   -              -              1               3
              City Employees' Retirement System           4               3              2               4
              City Planning                               1               5              6               7
              Controller                                   -              3              1               1
              Cultural Affairs                             -              -               -              2
              Disability                                   -              -               -              1
              Economic and Workforce Development           -              3              1               -
              Finance                                     3               2              1               5
              Fire                                         -              4              7               5
              Fire and Police Pensions                    1               6               -              1
              General Services                             -              4              14             28
              Harbor                                       -              6              6               4
              Housing and Community Investment            2              19              4              13
              Library                                      -             32              7               2
              Neighborhood Empowerment                     -              -               -              1
              Personnel                                   3              21              5              12
              Police                                       -             32              26             24
              Public Works - Contract Administration       -              3              1               -
              Public Works - Engineering                   -              1               -              1
              Public Works - Sanitation                    -              9              28             53
              Public Works - Street Lighting               -              3              2               1
              Public Works - Street Services               -             13              41             26
              Recreation and Parks                        1              28              35             35
              Transportation                               -             21              1              17
              Zoo                                          -              3              7               -
              Grand Total                                 50             295            239             309

              * Departments not listed did not hire any employees through the Targeted Local Hire Program
              ** Includes hires from the Program's inception (February 2017) through June 30, 2017
              *** Includes hires from July 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020

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