Page 223 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 223

                                     BUDGET RESERVES AS A RATING FACTOR

           The City of Los Angeles enjoys strong credit ratings from each rating agency compared to other
           major urban areas in the nation. These credit ratings reflect a variety of factors, including the
           strength and diversity of the City’s tax base, moderate City debt levels, historically strong fiscal
           management, and, in particular, the provision of adequate reserves.

           The credit rating agencies that evaluate the City’s capacity to repay its debt have consistently
           stated that establishing and meeting minimum reserve levels is an important component of their
           review of the City’s fiscal health. Thus, in addition to serving as a contingency for unforeseen
           challenges that arise during the fiscal year, the level of the City’s reserves is also reviewed by
           investors that are considering purchasing the City’s debt.

                 Rating        Rating        Date of
                Agency         Action         Action                          Statements
                                                          The City demonstrates the highest level of gap-
              Fitch           affirmed;     April 2020    closing capacity relative to expected revenue
                                                          volatility. Reserves in combination with the City’s
              Ratings         Outllook                    midrange inherent budget flexibility leave it well
                                                          positioned to address future downturns.
                                AA+                       KBRA considers the City’s reserve policies as
              Kroll Bond      affirmed;                   providing a strong framework for maintaining
              Rating                        April 2020
              Agency          Outlook                     operating flexibility and managing unforeseen
                               stable                     budget pressures.
                                                          The [rating reflects] strengthened and solid
                                Aa2                       general fund position, supported by . . . the
              Moody’s         affirmed;                   implementation of reserve policies put in place in
              Investors       Outlook       April 2020    2011. The revision in the outlook . . . is our
              Services       positive to                  changed view of the city’s likely revenue and
                               stable                     reserve trajectory; improvement is no longer
                                                          possible in the current economic environment.
                                                          The ratings reflect our view of the city’s strong
                                                          economy and very strong available fund
                                                          balances, offset by increased pension
                                 AA                       contributions. [A factor that could lead to a
              S&P Global      affirmed;     April 2020    downgrade is] if the city is unable to maintain
              Ratings         Outlook                     budgetary balance (or reserves decline
                               stable                     materially) due to the increased pension
                                                          contributions, renegotiated labor contracts
                                                          evolving federal policies, or other, unforeseen

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