Page 208 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 208


             Assumptions for 2020-21:
             1. An average of 2,959 civilian positions will be filled throughout the year (14.9% vacancy rate), including 26
                assigned to the Transit Services Bureau established in 2016-17 to oversee the delivery of contractual law
                enforcement services to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority.
             2. Average Salary is $3,353 per pay period, or $87,515 per year.

                       2019-20 Adopted Budget $    272,251,197
                      2020-21 Proposed Budget       253,990,563
                                     Change $     (18,260,634)

             Obligatory Changes
                                      BB No.     Amount      Description
                                            1 $        5,022,884 2019-20 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                            2           2,334,415 2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                            3          (1,065,474) Change in Number of Working Days
                                            4           1,339,294 Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions
                                            5           4,250,381 Salary Step and Turnover Effect
                                            6 $       (2,103,567) Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities
               Total Non-Discretionary Changes $        9,777,933

             Discretionary Changes
                                      BB No.     Amount      Description
                                            7          (5,130,718) Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding
                                          15          (7,001,623) Hiring Freeze Policy
                                          16          (1,306,210) Deletion of Vacant Positions
                                          19             (686,950) Civilian Hiring Adjustment
                                          21        (17,244,084) Furlough Program
                                          27           2,202,065 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
                                          36                83,303 Civilian Employment Section Resource
                                          37                83,728 Occupational Safety Resource
                                          39              113,400 Cost Recovery Unit
                                          43              145,339 Application Development and Support Division Resource
                                          44              152,778 Metropolitan and Valley 9-1-1 Dispatch Center Resource
                                          45                63,376 Information Technology Division Resource
                                          49              403,314 Office of the Inspector General Resources
                                          50                83,715 Audit Division Resource
                    Total Discretionary Changes $     (28,038,567)

             TOTAL CHANGES FROM 2018-19 $        (18,260,634)

                    TOTAL CIVILIAN SALARY $      253,990,563

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