Page 23 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 23

Proposed  2020-21  345,877,073  $       20,000,000  -  12,343,213  -  -  (134,915,000)  -  -  243,305,286  $      (183,902,000)  59,403,286  $        8,252,000  58,000,000  224,100,000  -  -  -  27,720,568  -  -  3,500,000  321,572,568  380,975,854  $      -  -  224,100,000  -  27,720,568  -  -  50,000,000  -  301,820,568  $      183,902,000  $      263,057,286  $

                 Total Estimated   2019-20  525,591,231  $           30,842,870  -                              7,639,914                    -                              -                              (149,810,201)  (7,000,000)                  -                              407,263,814  $           (180,668,000)              226,595,814  $           60,591,304  $             28,766,368  229,913,000  -  148,415,000  -  31,294,008  -  18,048,100  6,100,367  523,128,147  749,723,961

            Estimated 2019-20   Additional Cash   Flow   to end of year  - $                       -                          -                          7,639,914                -                          -                          1  (363,762)  -                          2  -  7,276,152  $            -                          7,276,152  $            3 42,212,000  4 13,868,000  114,956,000            -                          5 148,415,000  6  -  31,294,008              -

               Actual Cash as   of   3/31/2020  525,591,231  $       30,842,870             -                         -                         -                         (149,446,439)          (7,000,000)              -                         399,987,662  $       (180,668,000)          219,319,662  $       18,379,304  $         14,898,368             114,957,000           -                         -                         -                         -                         -

                 Actual   2018-19  436,079,701  14,954,397  -                                                   -  -                          -                          (79,257,375)  (9,000,000)  (5,791,190)  356,985,533  (170,241,000)  186,744,533  60,194,049  40,736,058  232,557,000                           -  209,299,664                           -  32,115,566                           -  5,270,303  3,614,647  583,787,287  770,531,820  72,364,316                           -  232,

                      $                                                     $               $       $                                                                                                                                                                           $       $       $

                 Budget   2018-19  436,079,701  14,954,397  (90,457,360)  (9,000,000)  (5,791,190)  345,785,548  (170,241,000)  175,544,548  37,241,492  44,281,528  232,557,000  -                          158,352,000  12,088,580  32,115,566  -                          9,109,214  2,281,217  528,026,597  703,571,145  37,444,590  -                          232,557,000  -                          -                          32,115,566  6,360,429  -                          -

                      $                                                     $               $       $                                                                                                                                                                        $       $       $

                 Actual   2017-18  414,879,761  10,883,154  -                          -                          -                          -                          (62,214,304)  (422,000)  (9,107,662)  354,018,949  (160,228,000)  193,790,949  66,638,872  26,611,782  241,848,000  -                          131,208,580  -                          32,847,909  -                          4,451,633  3,182,078  506,788,854  700,579,803  77,301,665  -                          241,848,000

                      $                                                        $               $       $                                                                                                                                                                           $       $       $

                 Actual   2016-17  475,360,638  22,203,585  -                          -                          -                          -                          (126,533,050)  (1,000,000)  (35,496,041)  334,535,132  (153,352,000)  181,183,132  8,023,963  25,564,380  264,427,000  -                          142,376,469  30,193,298  28,341,817  -                          6,673,762  2,814,727  508,415,416  689,598,548  50,799,921  -                          264,427,000  -

                      $                                                 $               $       $                                                                                                                                                                         $       $       $

                    Cash at Beginning of Fiscal Year  Cash Balance, July 1  Charter Section 261i Advances Returned on 7/1  Adjustment of Allocation Appropriation to Reserve Fund Reappropriation of Prior Year's Unexpended Capital   Improvement Appropriations and Advances and    Technical Adjustments Transfers to Budget Stabilization Fund  Transfer to Budget  Balance Available, July 1  Emergency Reserve  Contingency Reserve - Balance Available, July 1  Charter Section 261i Advances Ret

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