Page 27 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 27

Annual Ongoing   not to exceed 25   Projected Ongoing Growth   $                                  142,941.00   $                                    36,528.00   $                                      1,748.80   $                                      1,251.54   $                                   (37,545.00)  $                                     (1,110.00)  $                                   (32,735.00)  $                                   (81,760.00)
                      can then be drawn upon to stabilize revenues

                                 Fund taxes exceeds the Average For every one half percent that   into the Fund,  deposited  Ongoing   Revenue   $ 1,756,000.00    $    539,080.00    $      95,900.00    $       3,197.54    $    614,620.00    $    641,840.00    $    557,055.00    $    244,860.00    $    215,835.00    $    102,000.00    $ 4,770,387.54

                                     revenues exceed the Average Annual Ongoing Growth Threshold, five percent of the value of that excess revenue must be
                      that         deposit into the Fund. Average Annual Ongoing Growth Threshold, the Budget may include a withdrawal from   2020-21  Less One-Time   Revenue   $       2,000.00    $                  -      $                  -      $                  -      $                  -      $      44,700.00    $                  -      $                  -      $                  -      $                  -      $      46,700.00    Value    $    204,555.01    $      13,294.3
                                 the 2020-21 Proposed Budget. Pursuant to the policy, when growth in the cumulative receipts from the seven General
                      The purpose of the Budget Stabilization Fund (Fund) is to set aside savings during periods of robust economic growth
               2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET STABILIZATION FUND POLICY This Fund is comprised of excess revenue from seven economy-sensitive, General Fund taxes: Property Tax, Utilities Users’ Tax, Business  the Mayor and City Council adopted a revised policy for the Fund. The ordinance to enact this policy is under development, but the policy is applied for   budget must include a of the lost revenue for each one percent of growth below the Growth Threshold. 2020-21 Proposed Budget

                          Tax, Sales Tax, Transient Occupancy Tax, Documentary Tax, and Parking Users’ Tax.
                                   Growth Threshold (the average ongoing annual growth over the prior 20 years), the
                                       When growth of these receipts falls short of the

                                                   2019-20  Less One-Time   Revenue   $                   -      $                   -      $                   -      $                   -      $                   -      $      14,200.00    $                   -      $                   -      $                   -      $                   -      $      14,200.00   Average Annual Ongoing Growth Threshold* Projected Ongoing Growth (Reduction) Projected Difference from Average  0.28% S

                                                      Adopted   Budget   $ 1,613,059.00    $    502,552.00    $      94,151.20    $       1,946.00    $    652,165.00    $    657,150.00    $    589,790.00    $    326,620.00    $    211,960.00    $    121,900.00    $ 4,771,293.20   Step 2: Calculate the difference between the projected ongoing growth and the Average Ongoing Growth Threshold: Step 3: For each 1% of ongoing revenue growth below the Threshold, 5% of lost revenue may be wi


                        during economic downturns.  In January 2020,  of the excess growth.  percent the fund in the amount of five percent of the value  As demonstrated below, the Proposed Budget, it complies with the policy.   Seven General Fund Taxes   Property Tax        Property Tax 1%       VLF Replacement       Tax Increment      State Motor Vehicle License Fees  Utility Users Tax  Business Tax  Sales Tax Transient Occupancy Tax Documentary Transfer Tax Parking Occupancy Tax

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