Page 32 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 32

6% General Revenues     2.60%  2.32%                2028  2027    Judgment Obligation Bonds

                                                                         2.65%                      2026  Future MICLAs (CP Refundings)

            2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET
                                                                         2.75%                      2025

                   April 2020 NON-VOTER APPROVED DEBT  Debt Service to General Revenues* Pursuant to the Debt Management Policy, the Debt Affordability Ceiling for debt service on non-voter approved debt shall be no more than 6 percent of  General Revenues. The 6 percent ceiling may be exceeded only in the following situations: (1) if there is a guaranteed new revenue stream for the debt  payments and the additional debt will not cause the ratio to exceed 7.5 percent or, (2) if there

                                                                   3.60%                            2022  Current MICLAs & Other Leases

                                                                     3.58%                          2021

                        DEBT MANAGEMENT POLICY  ceiling will only be exceeded for one year.   $500,000   $450,000   $400,000   $350,000   $300,000  4.04%   $250,000   $200,000   $150,000   $100,000   $50,000   $-  2020  Convention Center

                                                             18                  Debt Service Amount (000's)
   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37