Page 33 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 33

                                   PENSION AND RETIREMENT FUNDING POLICY


            During those fiscal years when either the Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System or the Los
            Angeles Fire and Police Pension System are over-funded (greater than 100% funded) and therefore the
            total annual required contribution,  as adopted by the respective Boards, is less than the amount
            required to fund the normal cost of retirement and health benefits for employees, the City will limit the
            extent to which it  will recognize these savings (negative  unfunded actuarial accrued liability)  in the
            budget. Specifically, the amount budgeted for retirement and health contributions will be no less than
            the amount derived by reducing the normal cost contribution rate to 90 percent. An adopted contribution
            rate that would allow the City to contribute an amount less than 90 percent of the normal cost shall
            trigger this provision that prohibits the City from using these savings to fund the City’s ongoing service
            and program costs. Any savings or reduction in funding calculated due to the incremental contribution
            rate below the 90 percent threshold will only be budgeted to pay down unfunded pension or healthcare
            costs for retirees or, in the event that such costs are fully funded, as an appropriation to the Budget
            Stabilization Fund.

            This policy would only be triggered when either system has a total, negative unfunded actuarial accrued
            liability (UAAL) that would cause the actual contribution rate to be below the 90 percent threshold of the
            normal cost amount. When the total UAAL is positive, the City will continue to fully fund both the normal
            cost and UAAL as required by the City Charter.

                                                                              Los Angeles      Los Angeles City
                                                                           Fire and Police          Employees'
             Policy Calculation                                                              Retirement System
             Normal Cost:
              Pension/Retirement Benefits 1                                        19.37%                6.25%
              Health Benefits 1                                                     4.85%                3.45%
             Total Normal Cost                                                     24.22%                9.70%

             Funding Threshold (Normal Cost times 90%)                             21.80%                8.73%
             Normal Cost and Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability                 -45.58%              -29.12%
                                                                  1, 2
             Credit or Cost of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability 3             -23.78%              -20.39%

            (1) These percentages are available in both the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions System (LAFPP) and the Los
            Angeles City Employees' Retirement System (LACERS) June 30, 2019 actuarial reports.

            (2) For 2020-21, the Fire  and Police  Pensions System’s Normal Cost excludes  administrative expenses of 1.12%.
            Administrative expenses  were previously included in the Normal Cost but they are now broken out separately for
            LAFPP, consistent with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB 67) reporting.  The LACERS Normal
            Cost is still inclusive of administrative expenses as the LACERS Board of Administration did not adopt a similar change.

             (3) If the percentage is positive, then the City must set aside an amount (based on the percentage times salaries) for
            one-time expenditures. Since the percentage is negative, however, a credit has not been earned and funding would not
            be set aside per this policy.

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