Page 36 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 36

                                 FOUR-YEAR GENERAL FUND BUDGET OUTLOOK

           Multi-year General Fund operating cost projections, which forecast revenues and expenditures, shall be prepared and updated
           each year, or as necessary, to identify and evaluate the financial condition of the City over a four year period, at a minimum.
           This forecast shall be reported to the City Council as part of the annual budget development process. Projections shall be
           developed using available data, historical trends, and an evaluation of anticipated future impacts to revenues and
           expenditures. (Fiscal Policy No. 6)
           Pursuant to this policy, this exhibit presents the City Administrative Officer's projections of revenues and expenditures over the
           next four years.

                                               ($ millions)   2020-21    2021-22    2022-23    2023-24     2024-25
          General Fund Base (1)                          $       6,569.7  $       6,687.3  $       6,962.8  $       7,173.7  $       7,399.6
          Revenue Growth (2)
           Property Related Taxes (3)                                179.5              109.7                86.3              101.6              107.6
           Business and Sales Taxes (4)                                 (3.3)               46.2                58.0                54.5                49.9
           Utility Users Tax (5)                                      (37.5)               25.6                  8.3                  9.4                10.4
           License, Permits, Fees, and Fines (6)                     108.4                32.2                36.9                37.9                38.9
           Other Fees, Taxes, and Transfers (7)                       (99.9)               66.0                21.4                22.5                23.6
           SPRF Transfer (8)                                          (29.6)                (4.2)  -  -          -
           Transfer from the Budget Stabilization Fund (9)       -           -           -           -           -
           Transfer from Reserve Fund (10)                       -           -           -           -           -
          Total Revenue                                  $     6,687.3  $     6,962.8  $     7,173.7  $     7,399.6  $  7,630.0
          General Fund Revenue Increase %                      1.8%        4.1%        3.0%        3.1%        3.1%
          General Fund Revenue Increase $                           117.6             275.5             210.9             225.9             230.4

          General Fund Base (11)                         $       6,569.7  $       6,687.3  $       7,235.2  $       7,521.5  $       7,749.0
          Incremental Changes to Base: (12)
           Employee Compensation Adjustments (13)                    226.9              326.8              107.7                47.9                72.0
           City Employees' Retirement System (14)                     (26.7)             108.4                63.8                56.9                60.5
           Fire and Police Pensions (14)                               47.1                37.7                87.5                73.3                67.6
           Workers' Compensation Benefits (15)                         32.0               (10.7)                 6.8                11.6                18.6
           Health, Dental, and Other Benefits (16)                     25.0                23.1                31.0                32.6                34.3
           Debt Service (17)                                          (18.5)               11.4               (35.5)                (5.8)                 7.5
           Delete Resolution Authorities (18)                         (94.2)                     -                      -                      -                      -
           Add New and Continued Resolution Authorities (18)                85.6                      -                      -                      -                      -
           Delete One-Time Costs (19)                                 (51.7)              (18.8)                     -                      -                      -
           Add One-Time Costs (19)                                     31.9                      -                      -                      -                      -
           Comprehensive Homeless Strategy (20)                          7.0               (10.0)                     -                      -                      -
           Unappropriated Balance (21)                                  (9.6)              (19.5)                     -                      -                      -
           City Elections (22)                                          (1.0)                 7.0                 (0.7)                (3.3)                (0.7)
           CIEP-Municipal Facilities and Physical Plant (23)               (16.5)                 4.8                      -                      -                      -
           CIEP-Sidewalks (24)                                          (0.9)                 2.4                  5.7                      -                      -
           CIEP-Pavement Preservation (25)                            (16.4)               27.8                  3.2                  3.3                  3.4
           Appropriation to the Reserve Fund (26)                        4.7                      -                      -                      -                      -
           Appropriation to the Budget Stabilization Fund (27)                      -                  6.2                      -                      -                      -
           Net - Other Additions and Deletions (28)                 (107.1)               51.3                16.8                11.0                14.6
          Subtotal Expenditures                          $     6,687.3  $     7,235.2  $     7,521.5  $     7,749.0  $  8,026.8
          Expenditure Growth %                                 1.8%        8.2%        4.0%        3.0%        3.6%
          Expenditure Growth $                                      117.6             547.9             286.3             227.5             277.8
          TOTAL BUDGET GAP (29)                          $            -  $       (272.4) $       (347.8) $       (349.4) $       (396.8)
          Incremental Increase $                                -              (272.4)             (75.4)               (1.6)             (47.4)

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