Page 53 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 53

Fee Formula (if applicable)  $4 per hour per person, $1.50 for disabled, and $3 for Seniors and   $4 per hour per person, $1.50 for disabled, and $3 for Seniors and   $4 per hour per person, $1.50 for disabled, and $3 for Seniors and   $4 per hour per person, $1.50 for disabled, and $3 for Seniors and   $4 per hour per person, $1.50 for disabled, and $3 for Seniors and   $4 per hour per person, $1.50 for disabled, and $3 for Seniors and   $4 per hour per perso

                          $5 per check Revision  1990  $10 per copy  1999  8/12/2003  17 and under  8/12/2003  17 and under  8/12/2003  17 and under  8/12/2003  17 and under  8/12/2003  17 and under  8/12/2003  17 and under  8/12/2003  17 and under  5/22/2012  5/22/2012  Council File 19-0600-S162  TBD

                      Date of Last
           2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET FEES THAT ARE NOT FULL COST RECOVERY  Purpose of Fee To recover the cost of providing a copy of a  To recover the cost of providing a duplicate 1099. Fee for enrollment in any art or photography class  conducted by the Cultural Affairs Department.  Fee for enrollment in any art or photography class  conducted by the Cultural Affairs Department.  Fee for enrollment in any art or photography class  conducted by the Cultural Affairs Department.  Fee fo

                          Copy of Cancelled Check  1099 Duplicate  Barnsdall Jr. Art Ctr.   Instruction Fees  Canoga Park Jr. Arts Ctr.   Instruction Fees  Sun Valley Jr. Art Ctr.   Instruction Fees  William Grant Still Ctr.   Instruction Fees  Barnsdall Art Ctr.   Instruction Fees  Watts Towers Art Ctr.   Instruction Fees  Lincoln Heights Jr. Art   Center Instruction Fees  Hollyhock House Tours  Watts Towers Tours  Theater Fees

                        Fee  cancelled check.

                        Department  Controller  Controller  Cultural Affairs  Cultural Affairs  Cultural Affairs  Cultural Affairs  Cultural Affairs  Cultural Affairs  Cultural Affairs  Cultural Affairs  Cultural Affairs  Cultural Affairs

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