Page 55 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 55

Fee Formula (if applicable) The six Bond Fees and their methodology are listed below: 1. Cost of Issuance Fee: third-party costs covered as per Bond  2. Annual Issuer Fee: During the construction period, the Borrower  shall pay an annual issuer fee in arrears of 12.5 basis points  (0.125%) of the original principal amount of the Bonds. Upon  completion of construction, and conversion of financing to  permanent, the Borrower shall pay in arrears an issuer fee t

                                               outstanding.  requested of the City.      applications, irrespective of the issuer.  surcharge  surcharge  surcharge

                              Policy been revised.                        3/24/2018  District)  9/17/2017  4/13/2005  4/13/2005

                          N/A - Fee has not
                      Date of Last
           2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET FEES THAT ARE NOT FULL COST RECOVERY  Purpose of Fee To process tax-exempt and taxable multi-family  housing bonds for qualified developments located   To ensure that the City is adequately funded for  expenses and services in support of case  processing related functions.  Fund costs related to the updates and  maintenance of the City's Community Planning   Fund costs to finance acquisition and  implementation of systems. Fund costs to finance main

                        Fee   in the City of Los Angeles.                 Planning Case Processing   General Plan Maintenance   Surcharge (Fund 52F)  and related programs.  Development Surcharge   Planning Operating   of systems. Surcharge (Fund 588)

                          Bond Fee                                          Fee (Fund 52D)     Planning Systems   (Fund 588)

                        Department  Housing and Community   Investment    City Planning  City Planning  City Planning  City Planning

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