Page 61 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 61

Fee Formula (if applicable)

                                                                                     $17.08/sign; installation & removal

           2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET FEES THAT ARE NOT FULL COST RECOVERY  Date of Last   Revision Purpose of Fee  12/31/2018 To provide funding mechanism to implement  public facilities which meet the purposes  established in the Specific Plan.  12/31/2018 To provide funding mechanism to implement  public facilities which meet the purposes  established in the Specific Plan.  12/31/2018 To provide funding mechanism to implement  public facilities which meet the purposes  established in

                          Transportation Impact   Assessment (TIA) Fee -   Warner Center Specific   Plan  Transportation Impact   Assessment (TIA) Fee -   Plan  Project Impact   Assessment (PIA) Fee -   Ventura-Cahuenga   Boulevard Corridor   Specific Plan  For Hire Vehicle Permit   Registration Fees  For Hire Driver /   Ambulance Attendant   Permits  Franchise Permit   Application Fees  Install/Removal   Temporary No Parking   Signs
                        Fee           Central City West Specific   enforcement activities.  enforcement activities.

                        Department  Transportation  Transportation  Transportation  Transportation  Transportation  Transportation  Transportation

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