Page 335 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 1
P. 335

General Services

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Deletion of One-Time Services
             6. Deletion of One-Time Equipment Funding                         (279,554)         -      (279,554)
                Delete one-time funding for equipment purchases.
                EQ: ($279,554)
             7. Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding                           (670,818)         -      (670,818)
                Delete one-time Hiring Hall salaries and benefits, and
                expense funding.
                SCP: ($8,882)  SHHCP: ($107,987)    SHHFBCP: ($79,469)
                EX: ($474,480)

           Restoration of Services
             8. Restoration of One-Time Reductions                             1,500,000         -     1,500,000
                Restore funding in the Contractual Services and Petroleum
                Products accounts that were reduced on a one-time basis in
                the 2020-21 Budget.
                EX: $1,500,000
           Efficiencies to Services

             9. One-Time Salary Reduction                                      (300,000)         -      (300,000)
                Reduce funding in the Salaries General Account, as a one-
                time budget reduction, to reflect savings generated by
                maintaining vacancies.
                SG: ($300,000)
            10. Expense Account Reduction                                      (140,000)         -      (140,000)
                Reduce funding in Petroleum Products Account, as a one-
                time budget reduction, to reflect anticipated expenditures.
                EX: ($140,000)
           Other Changes or Adjustments
            11. Program Realignment                                                    -         -             -
                Transfer funding between programs and accounts to reflect
                the Department's needs. There will be no change to the level
                of services provided nor to the overall funding provided to the
            12. Position Realignment                                                   -         -             -
                Transfer positions and funding between budgetary programs
                to reflect the Department's current organizational structure.
                There will be no change to the level of services provided nor
                to the overall funding provided to the Department.

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