Page 474 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 1
P. 474


                                              Recapitulation of Changes

                                                                         Adopted         Total         Total
                                                                         Budget         Budget        Budget
                                                                         2020-21       Changes        2021-22

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

            Salaries General                                            253,990,563      5,002,504   258,993,067
            Salaries Sworn                                             1,276,385,612   (36,638,556) 1,239,747,056
            Salaries, As-Needed                                            4,336,601             -     4,336,601
            Overtime General                                               9,696,825    (2,127,867)    7,568,958
            Overtime Sworn                                              199,642,386    (61,740,514)  137,901,872
            Accumulated Overtime                                           5,199,660     4,769,285     9,968,945

           Total Salaries                                              1,749,251,647   (90,735,148) 1,658,516,499

            Printing and Binding                                           1,236,778       139,182     1,375,960
            Travel                                                          607,750              -       607,750
            Firearms Ammunition Other Device                               5,469,614     (800,016)     4,669,598
            Contractual Services                                         45,548,118      2,850,942    48,399,060
            Field Equipment Expense                                      11,640,669     (2,076,936)    9,563,733
            Institutional Supplies                                         1,257,196             -     1,257,196
            Traffic and Signal                                              101,000              -       101,000
            Transportation                                                  110,062              -       110,062
            Secret Service                                                 1,098,000             -     1,098,000
            Uniforms                                                       4,541,901       621,400     5,163,301
            Reserve Officer Expense                                         301,000              -       301,000
            Office and Administrative                                    23,245,175        265,292    23,510,467
            Operating Supplies                                             2,018,918       128,385     2,147,303

           Total Expense                                                 97,176,181      1,128,249    98,304,430

            Furniture, Office, and Technical Equipment                      413,000      (413,000)              -
            Transportation Equipment                                     10,489,721     (2,898,990)    7,590,731
           Total Equipment                                               10,902,721     (3,311,990)    7,590,731

           Total Police                                                1,857,330,549  (92,918,889) 1,764,411,660

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