Page 478 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 1
P. 478
Program Changes Direct Cost Positions Total Cost
Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
Continuation of Services
11. Accumulated Overtime 4,769,285 - 4,769,285
Increase funding in the Accumulated Overtime Account to
fund cost-of-living increases applicable to qualified retirees,
higher payouts to officers having larger banked overtime
costs, and additional officers retiring.
SOPOA: $4,769,285
Restoration of Services
12. Restoration of One-Time Expense Reduction 5,000,000 - 5,000,000
Restore funding in the Transportation Equipment Account that
was reduced on a one-time basis in the 2020-21 Budget.
EQ: $5,000,000
Efficiencies to Services
13. Civilian Hiring Adjustment (686,949) - (901,004)
Reduce funding in the Salaries General Account, as a one-
time budget reduction, to reflect savings from deferring the
hiring of civilians to the ending pay period of each month
during the year. Related costs consist of employee benefits.
SG: ($686,949)
Related Costs: ($214,055)
14. Expense Account Reduction (5,000,000) - (5,000,000)
Reduce funding in the Transportation Equipment Account, as
a one-time budget reduction, to reflect anticipated
expenditures, efficiencies, and expenditure adjustments.
EQ: ($5,000,000)
15. Deletion of Vacant Positions (786,859) (9) (1,221,299)
Delete funding and regular authority for nine vacant positions,
consisting of two Forensic Print Specialist Is, six Forensic
Print Specialist IIIs, and one Management Analyst. These
positions are no longer needed and will offset the cost of
adding 12 new positions in the Department. Related costs
consist of employee benefits.
SG: ($786,859)
Related Costs: ($434,440)
16. Sworn Overtime Reduction (20,181,531) - (20,181,531)
Reduce funding in the Overtime Sworn Account, as a one-
time budget reduction, to reflect savings from reduced usage
of non-reimbursable sworn overtime.
SWOT: ($20,181,531)