Page 488 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 1
P. 488


                                                  Departmental Support
           This program supports Police Commission and Department operations through behavioral science, centralized
           information relay, communication services, fiscal operations, facilities management, fleet services, legal
           affairs, police records management, statistical data reports, supplies, and transportation.

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
             Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs          (5,716,584)       (76)   (7,187,041)
             Related costs consist of employee benefits.
             SG: $2,740,889 SW: ($115,221) SWOT: ($193,013)
             SOPOA: $19,279 EX: ($3,168,518) EQ: ($5,000,000)
             Related Costs: ($1,470,457)
           Continuation of Services

            29. Vehicle Replacements                                            3,945,731         -     3,945,731
                Continue one-time funding in the Contractual Services Account
                ($1,355,000) for leasing 203 electric vehicles for non-
                emergency passenger service, charging station repair, and
                software license costs.  Add funding in the Transportation
                Equipment Account ($2,590,731) for the purchase of a
                minimum of 23 Black and White patrol vehicles, 13 Black and
                White slicktop vehicles, and up to 10 Motorcycles.  Additional
                base budget funding ($5,000,000) will allow for the purchase of
                a minimum of 77 Black and White patrol vehicles.  Additional
                funding ($215,092) is provided by the Forfeited Assets Trust
                Fund for the purchase of one motorcycle and three Black and
                White Slicktop vehicles. Additional funding ($3,587,249) is
                provided in the Capital Finance Administration Fund - 2017
                Lease Purchase Police Vehicles Financing, for the fifth annual
                payment of 462 Department vehicles purchased in 2017-18
                through lease financing.
                EX: $1,355,000  EQ: $2,590,731
           New Services
            30. Boot Sanitizers and Disinfection Services                        113,154          -       113,154
                Add one-time funding in the Contractual Services Account
                ($90,000) for disinfection of leased facilities per established
                guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and
                Prevention. Add funding in the Operating Supplies Account
                ($23,154) for maintaining boot sanitizers which prevent the
                spread of the COVID-19 virus and other pathogens in Police
                EX: $113,154
           TOTAL Departmental Support                                         (1,657,699)       (76)

          D     2020-21 Program Budget                                       124,440,204       1,141
                 Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special         (1,657,699)       (76)
                2021-22 PROGRAM BUDGET                                       122,782,505       1,065

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