Page 57 - FY 2021--22 Revenue Outlook
P. 57

17.5%                                              JUN 22        automation

                               2021-22                                                DEC 21  MAR 22  March. City   the economy.   and subsequent

                                                                 -7.2%                SEP 21  JUN 21

                                                                    -5%               MAR 21

                                                                -2%                   DEC 20
                        Change in City Sales Tax Receipts by Quarter
                                                                              -13%    SEP 20
                                                              -4.3%       -10%        JUN 20

                                                        5%                            MAR 20
                                                             0%                       DEC 19
                                            14%                                       SEP 19

                                            9.7%         4%                           JUN 19

                                                    7%                                MAR 19
                  Sales Tax    2015-16               2016-17               2017-18              2018-19               2019-20               2020-21  10%  8%  DEC 18  SEP 18  Quarter Ending The year-over-year drop in receipts bottomed out at 18.1 percent in February. Other quarterly variations from trends can be attributed to  delayed remittances and the changes to the tax allocation schedule that began with the State's implementation of a new sales tax  48
                                        Forecasted Change in Sales Tax Receipts by Quarter
                                    Actual Change in Sales Tax Revenue by Quarter

                                                       5% 2.2%  3%  3%  -4%           JUN 18  SEP 17  DEC 17  MAR 18 The City's fiscal year sales tax revenue (July-June) is derived from taxable sales between April of the previous fiscal year and sales tax revenue for the current fiscal year-to-date is 14.6 percent below prior year receipts, due to the pandemic's impact on system in the quarter ending in June 2018, the State's first extension for sales tax filings in the quarter endin
                                           Actual and Estimated Annual Growth  2.5%  4%  4%  3%  0%  JUN 17  SEP 16  DEC 16  MAR 17  recovery of these receipts in the quarter ending in September 2020.  Forecasted quarterly and annual growth are provided by the City's sales tax consultant.


                                                            1% 3%  2%                 JUN 16  DEC 15  MAR 16
                                                         3%                           SEP 15

                                 21%  18%  15%  12%  9%  6%  3%  0%  -3%  -6%  -9%  -12%  -15%  Percent Change from Same Quarter of Prior Year
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62