Page 107 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 107

2021-22 Proposed Budget Changes by Department

             Category    Department              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                                Regular    Reso
                      Local Transportation Fund
                                     ATP Cycle I SRTS Bike/Ped Rehabilitation        2,000,000          -       -
                                     Bikeshare Capital Expansion                    (1,409,668)         -       -
                                     Bikeways Program                                 (626,779)         -       -

                      Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau Trust Fund
                                     LA Convention and Visitors Bureau              (5,038,265)         -       -
                                     Unallocated                                      (263,873)         -       -

                      Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              (211,232)         -       -

                      Matching Campaign Funds Trust Fund
                                     Matching Campaign Funds                            32,769          -       -

                      Measure M Local Return Fund
                                     Alley Paving                                   (1,000,000)         -       -
                                     Measure M Local Return Fund                     5,000,000          -       -
                                     Paint and Sign Maintenance                        400,186          -       -
                                     People Streets and Play Streets                 1,000,000          -       -
                                     Speed Hump Program                                100,000          -       -
                                     Traffic Signal Supplies                         3,000,000          -       -
                                     Universal Basic Mobility                        4,000,000          -       -
                                     Vision Zero Corridor Projects - M               4,389,188          -       -
                                     Vision Zero Traffic Signals                    (3,241,674)         -       -
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              (351,145)         -       -

                      Measure R Traffic Relief and Rail Expansion Fund
                                     Bicycle Plan/Program - Other                      700,000          -       -
                                     Pedestrian Plan/Program                           700,000          -       -
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs             5,716,887          -       -

                      Measure W
                                     Expense and Equipment                            (150,000)         -       -
                                     Operation and Maintenance - TMDL Compliance
                                     Projects                                         (491,053)         -       -
                                     PW-Sanitation Expense and Equipment               734,674          -       -
                                     Regional Project Development and Revolving Funds  292,913          -       -
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               683,240          -       -
                                     Reimbursement of Prior Year Expenses           (9,927,849)         -       -

                      Metropolis Hotel Project Trust Fund
                                     Metropolis Hotel Project Trust Fund            (2,360,000)         -       -

                      Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Trust Fund
                                     Alternate Fuel Fleet Vehicles, Trucks, and
                                     Infrastructure                                   (145,157)         -       -
                                     Electric Vehicle Carshare Program                (100,000)         -       -

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