Page 112 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 112

2021-22 Proposed Budget Changes by Department

             Category    Department              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                                Regular    Reso
                      Workforce Investment Act Fund
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              (515,088)         -       -

                      Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund
                                     Zoo Wastewater Facility                          (115,000)         -       -

                                                              Proposed Changes       1,738,798          -       -
                                     Total                                        1,315,533,227         -       -

            Grand Total Section 2 Dept & Non-Dept                                11,230,298,313    31,039   2,438

                      Adopted Budget
                                     2020-21 Adopted Budget                        205,055,546      1,107       -
                                                                Adopted Budget     205,055,546      1,107       -
                      Other Changes or Adjustments
                      Changes or     Adjustments to Library Facilities Costs         1,667,198          -       -
                                     Direct Cost Contingency Fund                    3,393,600          -       -
                                     General Fund Reimbursement                      2,527,228          -       -
                                     Reimbursements for Sidewalk Repairs             3,639,477          -       -
                      Obligatory Changes
                      Changes        2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment         (762,460)         -       -
                                     2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment          112,300          -       -
                                     Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions     125,527          -       -
                                     Salary Step and Turnover Effect                   543,736          -       -
                      Deletion of One-Time Services
                      2-Deletion of
                      One-Time       Deletion of One-Time Equipment Funding            (50,000)         -       -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding           (6,514,823)         -       -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Special Funding             (210,000)         -       -
                      Continuation of Services
                      3-Continuation of
                      Services       Compact Shelving                                    3,297          -       -
                                     LA Libros Festival                                 36,000          -       -
                      Increased Services
                      4-Increased                                                       15,000          -       -
                      Services       Audio and Visual Production Equipment
                                     Book Cart Replacement                               8,300          -       -
                                     Branch Library Alterations and Improvements       504,232          -       -
                                     Central Library Alterations and Improvements      175,500          -       -
                                     Central Library Staff Enhancement                  65,688         1        -
                                     Equipment Repair and Replacement                2,380,000          -       -
                                     Filter Replacement                                 76,800          -       -
                                     Human Resources and Payroll Project               210,000          -       -
                                                                                     3,196,367          -       -
                                     Information Technology Infrastructure Enhancement
                                     Library Books and Materials                     1,792,755          -       -
                                     Salaries, As-Needed Account                       150,901          -       -
                                     Self-Serve Scan and Copy System                     4,700          -       -
                                     Subscriptions and Licenses                        100,000          -       -

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