Page 180 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 180

Class Title                            Chief Environmental Compliance Inspector I Senior Environmental Compliance Inspector Environmental Compliance Inspector  Executive Director, Youth Development

                           Accountant          Civil Engineer Civil Engineering Associate II  Maintenance Laborers  Administrative Clerks  Department Senior Management Analyst  Management Analyst  Administrative Clerk  Management Analyst Community Affairs Advocate  Management Assistant

                 No. of  Positions  1   -      1  2       1  3  11  11  3   1   1  1  1           2  1  1

                 Special Fund General Fund  Costs  Costs   $              47,592   $                   -    $                      -     $       150,000    $                      -     $                 -      $    3,026,896    $                      -     $       778,799   - $                      288,332

            2021-22 PROPOSED BUDGET PROPOSED NEW INITIATIVES BY DEPARTMENT  Resources  nine-  with  position  authority  Funding in the Contractual Services Account.  fully  positions,  authority  Metropolitan  Angeles  Los  positions  authority  resolution  funding  One-time  funding.  Contractual  General,  Expense,  Equipment  and Administrative,  and  twelve-  with  position  authority  authority  resolution  one  six  funding, twelve-months  six-months  with  positions  Binding,

                           One  resolution  months funding.  resolution  Three  the  by reimbursed  Transportation Authority.  Twenty-nine  nine-months  with  Overtime  the  in  Field  Services,  Office  Uniforms, Operating Supplies accounts.  regular  One  funding,  months  with  position  authority  resolution  funding  funding,  Contractual  Administrative,  and  accounts,  Equipment Account.  resolution  Four  months funding.

                 Blue  Book #  20   27         39         31                1                     2

                           Measure  Equity     State      Canyon,  multiple  new  the  City  youth  of  youth  to  programs  return  a  developing  a  ensure

                           the                 the  for   (Lopez  by        of  with  access  greatest  to
                           to  services  Workforce  the  services  hubs  served  be  administration  coordinate  providers  to  public  youth  audits  the  ensure  for  Plan  Strategic
                   Description of Initiatives  support  financial  of development  State Route 710 Mobility Improvements Projects  design  and development  three  at  facilities  storage  will  which  Yard)  and management  to  Department  other  and  agencies,  the  for one-stop-shop  and  Angeles  Los  to  resources  City  responsible  is department  Development  Youth roadmap for long-term youth program planning in the City.  Provide program support for the Department.

                       Board of Public Works Measure W Accounting Support  and  accounting  Provide  W program.  Workforce Equity Demonstration Project  for  funding  Provide  Demonstration Project.  Bureau of Engineering  project  Provide Route 710 Mobility Improvement Projects.  Sanitation Regional Storage Facilities  regional  Establish  Jefferson  and  CLARTS,  satellite facilities.  Youth Development Management and Administration  the  for  funding  Provide  Development  Youth

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