Page 182 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 182

was  Bureau  weekend  pandemic  tree  vacant  crew.  trimming  expected  10,000
                   Notes on Adopted / Proposed  Service Levels             the  2020  March  for  $1M/year  with overtime trimming by City staff. This funding  the  of  start  the  at and is not included in the 2021-22 Proposed  seven  addition,  were deleted in 2020-21,  positions  tree essentially one  reduce  together  items  approximately  by  trimming

                                                                           Prior  to  provided  deleted  was  In  Budget.  trimming  which is  two  These  annual  trees.
                   2021-22   Proposed           13,894            10,681              9,750              3,213              2,771   5.9%   $        17.25    $          9.00    $          8.08    $             -      $          0.17    $             -      $             -     15.8%  10.7%           25,000

                   2020-21   Adopted           14,180            10,703            10,111              3,477              3,035   5.8%   $        13.25    $          6.08    $          1.96    $              5    $          0.21    $             -      $             -     11.1%  8.0%           38,000   18.4

                   2019-20   Adopted           14,174            10,694            10,101              3,480              3,063   5.9%   $        13.38    $        11.97    $          1.41    $             -      $             -      $             -      $             -     11.2%  8.1%           38,400   18.2

                   2018-19  Adopted           14,077            10,670            10,076              3,407              2,908   3.3%   $          7.57    $          5.26    $          1.00    $          1.31    $             -      $             -      $             -     11.5%  8.5%           35,000   18.6
            2021-22 PROPOSED BUDGET

                   2017-18  Adopted           14,010            10,625            10,033              3,385              2,942   13.3%  3.3%   $        32.11    $          1.78    $          2.81    $             -      $             -      $        21.03    $          4.52   11.7%  11.1%  8.3%  8.0%           33,000   19.7  19.7

                   Lowest Adopted Service Levels  Service Level  Year                 14,010   2017-18                 10,625   2017-18                 10,033   2017-18                   3,385   2017-18                   2,908   2018-19  2018-19  2020-21  2020-21                 33,000   2017-18  2017-18  154

                   Full Service   Level   Standard  32%   $           66.30   9%  7%              90,000                     7.2

                   Unit of Measurement     Percentage Replaced  Total Cost in Millions  General Fund  MICLA Financed Supplemental Law                    Enforcement Services Fund  Forfeited Assets Trust Fund  Private Lease Financing  Los Angeles County  Metropolitan Transportation   Patrol Vehicles Percentage  Fleetwide Percentage  Trees Trimmed per Year  Trim Cycle in Years

                           FTEs  FTEs  FTEs  FTEs  FTEs         Authority

                   Department and Category  Total Authorized Positions  Sworn Authorized  Sworn Funded  Civilian Authorized  Civilian Funded  Police Fleet Vehicle Replacement  Out-of-Service Rate  Public Works - Street Services

                         Police                                            Tree Trimming

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