Page 187 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 187

($780,000)  Meals  Disabilities  emergency  an  also  DOD  from ($392,000)  relating  services  associated  costs  with  associated  and  testing  Ground  the  Quality  the  for  addition,  In  with  associated  the  of  support  in  and  security  rentals,  car  associated  costs  emergency  of  supplies  with  COVID-19  with  budgeted  furloughs,  of  for  payouts  projects  capital  by  approved  is  for  demand  with associated

                   Explanation of Proposed Funding  funding  CRF  reflect  with  Angelenos  was  program  COVID-19.  to  related  transfer  off-budget  contractual  for  Safety  increased  reflect  costs  reflect  COVID-19  supporting  for  $6.7M  reflect  Transportation  Medical  $4.2M  and  Fee  program.  Transfer  expenses  has  obligations  contractual  System, Management  services, photographer  increased  reflect  maintenance  and  associated  costs  reflect  associated  equipm


                          Expenditures  the  for  received  This  Program.  program  response  an  receives  and  Building  to ADA compliance.  Expenditures with mutual aid deployment.   Expenditures  firefighters  vaccination sites.   Expenditures  Emergency  Assurance  Intergovernmental  Department  the  unbudgeted  Inspection  Fire  services,  patrol  and training.   Expenditures  repair  the  with  apparatus vehicles.  Expenditures  of  rental  and  operations.   Expenditures  ap

                    2021-22   Proposed   Budget   1,614,211  $          6,464,283  $          16,625,400  $        12,002,172  $        3,709,604  $          5,852,759  $          113,956,523  $      300,257  $             3,692,553  $

            2021-22 PROPOSED BUDGET
                    Amount   Exceeding   Budget   1,171,789  $          6,275,717  $          13,224,934  $        14,242,828  $        2,390,396  $          9,117,241  $          5,441,466  $          3,606,016  $          1,187,447  $

                    Estimated   2020-21  Expenditures   2,786,000  $          12,740,000  $        29,860,000  $        26,745,000  $        7,100,000  $          14,470,000  $        107,191,000  $      3,926,000  $          4,880,000  $          159

                      Adopted Budget   1,614,211  6,464,283  16,635,066  12,502,172  4,709,604  5,352,759  101,749,534  319,984  3,692,553
                    2020-21  $           $          $        $         $          $          $      $             $

                   Description  Contractual Services  Overtime Sworn  Overtime Variable Staffing  Contractual Services  Field Equipment Expense  Operating Supplies  Salaries General  Salaries Construction   Projects  Overtime General

                   Account  3040         1092  1098  3040              3090   6020  1010     1014  1090

                   Department                                                       General Services

                          Disability     Fire

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