Page 188 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 188

projects  capital  by  approved  is  benefits  for  the  by  performed  services  custodial  associated  work  budgeted  materials  are  that  projects  budgeted  Project  the  to  state  from  unanticipated  the  during  made  the  into  extended  the  for  million  interim  and  work  services  Station  Fire  Project, Rebanding  vehicles,  Fire  and  upgrades,  and  cable,  for encumbrance  well  as  project  received  Procurement  additional  and  staffin

                   Explanation of Proposed Funding  for  transfers  reflect  project  each  as  year  transfers  reflect  projects  capital Construction Forces Division during the fiscal year.  increased  reflect and purchase of supplies related to COVID-19.  in  increases  reflect with the maintenance of the City's aging fleet.  exceeded  reflect  construction-related  to  due  capital  various  exceeded  reflect  related  leases  to  due  reimbursed  is  which  for  transfers  refl


                          Expenditures  fiscal  the  during  Mayor and Council.  Expenditures  with  associated  Expenditures  Expenditures  Expenditures  appropriations  with associated approved during the fiscal year.  Expenditures  appropriations  program,  Roomkey  and federal grants.   Expenditures  and expenditures  contracts  for  year  year,  fiscal  new  Expenditures  to  transfers  various  for  System,  Alerting  of  installation  the  routine  and  on maintenance  Expendi

                    2021-22   Proposed   Budget   77,464  $               -     $  29,042,134  $        37,011,457  $        20,151  $               19,796,181  $        3,195,544  $          583,974  $             34,437,917  $        6,926,712  $          -     $

            2021-22 PROPOSED BUDGET
                    Amount   Exceeding   Budget   6,324,013  $          3,599,531  $          9,086,864  $          1,570,543  $          14,932,784  $        26,818,564  $        2,167,644  $          1,616,026  $          2,063,796  $          8,950,852  $          1,500,000  $

                    Estimated   2020-21  Expenditures   6,542,000  $          3,679,000  $          36,334,000  $        37,102,000  $        14,998,000  $        46,335,000  $        11,700,000  $        2,200,000  $          28,543,000  $        15,322,000  $        1,500,000  $          160

                      Adopted Budget   217,987  79,469  27,247,136  35,531,457  65,216  19,516,436  9,532,356  583,974  26,479,204  6,371,148  -
                    2020-21  $             $               $        $        $               $        $          $             $        $          $

                   Description  Hiring Hall Construction  Benefits Hiring Hall   Construction  Contractual Services  Field Equipment Expense  Construction Materials  Leasing  Contractual Services  Hiring Hall Salaries  Contractual Services  Salaries General  Grant Reimbursed

                   Account  1101  1121  3040  3090  3180  6030   3040       1100              3040      1010   1020

                   Department  General Services   (continued)    Housing    Information   Technology Agency  Mayor

   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193