Page 193 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 193


                                            POSITION CHANGE SUMMARY
                            (Includes all General, Special, and Grant Funded Positions)

                                                                                                  2021-22 Proposed
                                                       Proposed Changes
                                     2020-21                                       2021-22           Resolution
                                     Adopted                                      Proposed
                Department                              Transfer
                                      Budget                     Regularized New to   Budget         New to
                                     Regular  Deletions  Between  Resolution  Budget  Regular  Continued  Budget   Total
       Aging                               44   (4)       -          -       -       40         6       -        6
       Animal Services                    345   (13)      -          3       -      335         9       -        9
       Building and Safety                911    -        -          -       -      911        173      1       174
       Cannabis Regulation                  6    -        -          -       -       6          31      -       31
       City Administrative Officer        119   (4)       -          1       -      116         2       2        4
       City Attorney                      911   (22)      -          -       -      889         75      -       75
       City Clerk                         118   (8)       -          -       -      110         -       2        2
       City Planning                      414   (16)      -          -       1      399         68      2       70
       Civil, Human Rights and Equity       1    -        -          -       -       1          20      3       23
       Community Investment for             -    -        34         -       1       35         -       36      36
       Controller                         165   (11)      -          -       -      154         9       1       10
       Convention and Tourism              13   (1)       -          -       -       12         -       -        -
       Council                            108    -        -          -       -      108         -       -        -
       Cultural Affairs                    76   (9)       -          -       -       67         10      -       10
       Disability                          25   (2)       -          2       -       25         2       -        2
       Economic and Workforce
       Development                         99   (11)      -          -       -       88         53      1       54
       El Pueblo de Los Angeles            10   (1)       -          -       -       9          -       -        -
       Emergency Management                23   (4)       -          -       -       19         7       1        8
       Employee Relations Board             3    -        -          -       -       3          -       -        -
       Ethics Commission                   32   (1)       -          -       -       31         1       -        1
       Finance                            354   (17)      -          -       -      337         16      -       16
       Fire                              3,831  (44)      -          9       6      3,802       92      -       92
       General Services                  1,424  (130)     -          -       -      1,294       26      -       26
       Housing                            590   (44)     (34)        2       -      514        183      3       186
       Information Technology Agency      442   (50)      -          2       1      395         4       -        4
       Mayor                               94    -        -          -       -       94         -       -        -
       Neighborhood Empowerment            31   (1)       -          -       -       30         3       -        3
       Personnel                          525   (62)      -          3       -      466         66      5       71
       Police                           14,005  (278)     -          5       12    13,744      149      1       150
       Public Accountability                9   (1)       -          -       1       9          -       -        -
       Board of Public Works               99   (12)      -          2       -       89         11      6       17
       Bureau of Contract                 303   (22)      -          -       -      281         88      -       88
       Bureau of Engineering              750   (59)      -         18       -      709        124      7       131
       Bureau of Sanitation              3,141   -        -         15       -      3,156      251      65      316
       Bureau of Street Lighting          210   (5)       -          -       -      205        103      -       103
       Bureau of Street Services         1,005  (117)     -          -       -      888        427      2       429
       Transportation                    1,487  (66)      -          -       -      1,421      281      -       281
       Youth Development                    -    -        -          -       1       1          -       7        7
       Zoo                                263   (18)      -          1       -      246         3       -        3

       Library                           1,107   -        -         -       10      1,117       -       -        -
       Recreation and Parks              1,538  (140)     -         -        -      1,398       -       -        -
       Totals                          34,631  (1,173)    -         63      33     33,554     2,293    145     2,438
   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198