Page 189 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 189

additional  and  staffing  for  year  appropriations  Youth  and  contracts.  provider  General  the  in  at Department  budgeted  furloughs  of  budgeted  furloughs,  of  and participants,  Memoranda  than  higher  to  of  use  increased  additional  and  staffing  for  year  appropriations  clean-up  community  budgeted  furloughs  of  in  million  $2  Homeless  the  budgeted  furloughs,  of  program  DSW  on  placed  work  repair  fully  be  will

                   Explanation of Proposed Funding  transfers  reflect  the  during  received  additional  reflect  Reduction  Gang  finance  service  (GRYD)  annually  budgeted  is  the  to transferred  and  exceeded  reflect  elimination  the  to  due and from retirement payouts for SIP participants.  exceeded  reflect  elimination  the  to  due  SIP  for  payouts  civilian  the  in  authorized Expenditures reflect various grant appropriations.  due  payouts  reflect  and  attritio


                          Expenditures  appropriations  needs.  Expenditures  to  transferred  Development  funding  GRYD  Purposes  City the beginning of the fiscal year.  Expenditures  appropriations  Expenditures  appropriations  retirement  from  costs  various  Expenditures  sworn  normal  overtime banking.  Expenditures  appropriations  needs.  Expenditures  for  received  Expenditures  appropriations  Expenditures  the  from  funding  Roadmap Program.  Expenditures  appropriat

                    2021-22   Proposed   Budget   1,799,210  $          132,899  $             53,223,935  $        258,993,067  $      7,568,958  $          9,968,945  $          10,128,772  $        25,137,866  $        95,634,179  $        2,474,527  $          99,498,434  $

            2021-22 PROPOSED BUDGET
                    Amount   Exceeding   Budget   2,500,790  $          22,892,101  $        8,002,149  $          13,216,437  $        1,471,175  $          3,342,340  $          9,556,965  $          6,947,134  $          10,185,429  $        1,571,010  $          15,673,021  $

                    Estimated   2020-21  Expenditures   4,300,000  $          23,025,000  $        55,900,000  $        267,207,000  $      11,168,000  $        8,542,000  $          18,493,000  $        20,114,000  $        96,521,000  $        3,357,000  $          100,539,000  $      161

                      Adopted Budget   1,799,210  132,899  47,897,851  253,990,563  9,696,825  5,199,660  8,936,035  13,166,866  86,335,571  1,785,990  84,865,979
                    2020-21  $          $             $        $      $          $          $          $        $        $          $

                   Description  Salaries, As-Needed  Contractual Services  Salaries General  Salaries General  Overtime General  Accumulated Overtime  Salaries General  Contractual Services  Salaries General  Contractual Services  Salaries General

                   Account  1070  3040       1010   1010     1090  1095  1010  3040  1010  3040  1010

                   Department                                        Board of Public           Bureau of Street

                          Mayor   (continued)  Personnel  Police        Works      Bureau of   Engineering  Services

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