Page 194 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 194

2011-12  38  337      725      -  110      776      100      240      -  -  -  -  152       133      108      40  10  197       10  14  3      -  19  367      3,218      319      3,537       1,506       534       -       -       480      94  17  388      10,480      3,197      13,677       -  95  230      701       -  2,739       214       762      1,341      -      -  228      828       1,524       32,274

                   2010-11  38  327  696  -  116  779  105  257  -  -  -  -  163  133  108  40  10  198  14  14  3       -  21  337  3,588  303  3,891       1,566  535  -  -       476  94  18  408  10,467  3,273  13,740       -  102  237  752  -  2,809  214  806  1,316  35  -  229       828       1,550       32,965

                   2009-10  41  357  806  -  125  835  134  270  -  -  -  -  188  165  108  68  13  198  17  19  3  28  24  362  3,588  353  3,941       2,042  535  -  20  637  93  43  441  10,467  3,545  14,012       -  130  281  894  -  2,845  230  1,157  1,425  39  -  245       1,132       1,961       35,864

                   2008-09  44  357      810      -  130  831      150      270      -  16  3  -  189      165      108      76  13  210      21  17  3  31  23  362      3,586      353      3,939      2,217      501      6  -  729      93  49  464      10,467      3,786      14,253      -  130      290      961      -  2,945      230      1,282      1,584      38  -  257      1,136      2,038      36,971

                   2007-08  2006-07*  44  43  320  321       839  839       -  -  128  128       851  852       145  140       271  271       -  -      16  8       5  5       -  -  188  187       165  165       108  108       81  73  14  14  262  273       21  17  16  16  3  3       37  37  27  27  361  360       3594  3,576       346  346       3,940      3,922      2267  2,197       503  503       10  11  -  -  730  743       70  70  52  51  436  435       10466  10,310       3778

            2021-22 PROPOSED BUDGET AUTHORIZED REGULAR POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT SINCE 2001-02  2005-06  2004-05    43   42    296   296        837   835      -  -  -    126   125    808   808      137        138     306   304      -  -  -    24   24    12   12  -  -  -    186   180      163        163     108   108        74   74    23   23    273   273        25   25    14   14    8   8    43   43    30   30    342   350        3,562   3,382      333        338   3,900      3,715

                   2002-03  2003-04  48  48  304      309      858      859      -  129  122      820      839      139      140      323      323      -  37  42  15  15  -  183      183      197      208      108      108      94  97  26  26  274      281      58  53  14  14  8  8  43  43  31  29  343      360      3,376      3,346      333      334      3,709      3,680      1,871      1,861      408      379      24  26  -  764      825      74  74  68  52  394      405      10,21

                   2001-02  48      313      863      -      123      839      133      320      -      42      13      -  183      208      108      98      28      282      59      17      8      43      29      361      3,244      333      3,577      1,857      379      26      -       774      74      40  405      10,203  3,555      13,758  -      59      353      981      111      2,582      214      1,304      1,477      -      -      236      1,154      1,980      35,459


                   DEPARTMENT  Cannabis Regulation City Administrative Officer  Civil, Human Rights and Equity Comm. Child.,Youth and Fam. Comm. on Status Women Community Investment for Families  Department on Disability  Economic Development  Emergency Management Employee Relations Board  Environmental Affairs  Fire Subtotal  Human Relations Comm. Department of Human Services  Information Tech. Agency  Neighborhood Empowerment  Police Subtotal  Public Accountability    Board of Publ

                     Aging  Animal Services  Building and Safety  City Attorney  City Clerk  City Planning  Controller  Convention Center  Council  Cultural Affairs  El Pueblo  Ethics Commission  Finance  Fire - Sworn  Fire - Civilian  General Services**  Housing  Mayor  Personnel  Police - Sworn  Police - Civilian  Public Works    Engineering    Sanitation    Street Lighting    Street Services  Transportation  Treasurer  Zoo  Library

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