Page 195 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 195

2021-22 PROPOSED BUDGET  Change from 2020-21  Percent Authorized  (9.09%)  (4)                  40  (2.90%)  (10)                335  -  911  -  6  (2.52%)  (3)                  116  (2.41%)  (22)                889  (6.78%)  (8)                  110  (3.62%)  (15)                399  -  1  -  -  -  -  35  35  (6.67%)  (11)                154  (7.69%)  (1)                  12  -  108  (11.84%)  (9)                  67  -  25  (11.11%)  (11)                88  (10.00%)

                   2020-21 Authorized                 44               345                            911               6               119                            911                            118                            414               1  -  -  -               165                              13               108                              76  25                 99                   10                 23  3                    -                 32               354

                   2019-20  44  356               911               5  119               906               118               389               -  -  -  -  165               13  108               75  24  101               10  23  3  -  31  350               3,382            406               3,788            1,424            591               -  -  420               94  27  500               10,552          3,454            14,006          7  99  253               679               -

                   2018-19  2017-18  44  44  357               357  905               905  5  5  117               116  878               859  116               114  388               362  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  166               167  13  13  108               108  65  62  22  18  101               106  10  10  23  22  3  3  -  -  27  25  348               344  3,363            3,350  397               383  3,760            3,733  1,352            1,299  581               583  -  -

            2021-22 PROPOSED BUDGET AUTHORIZED REGULAR POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT SINCE 2001-02  2016-17  2015-16  44  44               356               344                            885               736               -  -               121               114                            859               850                            110               102                            316               271               -  -                    -                -                    -

                   2013-14  2014-15  44  35  332               329               736               -  -  -  114               111               815               797               98  87  262               994               -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  162               165               13  109               108               108               41  40  11  12  120               130               10  10  15  15  3  3  -  -  21  19  347               354               3,232            3,234

                   2012-13  35  318               716                                 -  106               759               99  235               -                    -                                      -  -                    165               122               108               41  13  192               10  15  3                                     -  19  355               3,222            315               3,537            1,262            528               -                -

                   DEPARTMENT  Cannabis Regulation  City Administrative Officer  Civil, Human Rights and Equity Comm. Child.,Youth and Fam.  Comm. on Status Women Community Investment for Families  Department on Disability  Economic Development  Emergency Management Employee Relations Board  Environmental Affairs  Fire Subtotal  Human Relations Comm. Department of Human Services  Information Tech. Agency  Neighborhood Empowerment  Police Subtotal  Public Accountability    Board of Pu

                     Aging  Animal Services  Building and Safety  City Attorney  City Clerk  City Planning  Controller  Convention Center  Council  Cultural Affairs  El Pueblo  Ethics Commission  Finance  Fire - Sworn  Fire - Civilian  General Services**  Housing  Mayor  Personnel  Police - Sworn  Police - Civilian  Public Works    Engineering    Sanitation    Street Lighting    Street Services  Transportation  Treasurer  Youth Development  Zoo  Library

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