Page 199 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 199


             Assumptions for 2021-22:
             1.  On July 1, 2021, 9,501 sworn personnel will be on the payroll, including 104 assigned to the Transit Services
                 Bureau (TSB) established in 2016-17 to oversee the delivery of contractual law enforcement services to the Los
                 Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
             2.  495 Officers will leave over the course of the year, including Academy attrition.
             3.  744 Academy graduates will offset attrition and attain a force of 9,750, including 104 assigned to the TSB.
             4.  Average Salary is $4,441 per pay period, or $121,130 per year, including bonuses.
             5.  Sick and vacation time paid out at separation will total approximately $17.21 million.
             6.  Excess sick time paid out will total approximately $11.23 million.
             7.  No cost of living increases will occur.

                       2020-21 Adopted Budget        1,276,385,612
                      2021-22 Proposed Budget        1,239,747,056
                                     Change $        (36,638,556)

             Non-Discretionary Changes
                                     BB No.      Amount      Description
                                           1 $          20,504,661 2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                           2 $            1,166,400 2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                           3 $            8,861,128 Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions
                                           4 $            2,636,571 Salary Step and Turnover Effect
                                           5 $        (72,799,190) Reduced Sworn Hiring
                Total Non-Discretionary Changes $        (39,630,430)

             Discretionary Changes
                                     BB No.      Amount      Description
                                           6 $        (13,750,034) Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities
                                           9 $          25,914,281 Sworn Hiring Plan
                                         10           (15,877,976) Sworn Attrition
                                         25               6,705,603 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
                    Total Discretionary Changes $            2,991,874

              TOTAL CHANGES FROM 2020-21 $        (36,638,556)

                      TOTAL SWORN SALARY $     1,239,747,056

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