Page 201 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 201


         Assumptions for 2021-22:
         1. On July 1, 2021, 3,309 Firefighters are estimated to be on the payroll.
         2. Approximately 74 Firefighters (Sworn members) will leave over the course of the year, not including Academy
         3. Funding for 22-weeks is provided for a total of 120 recruits: 60 recruits entering an Academy class in July 2021
            (Class 21-1) and 60 recruits entering in January 2022 (Class 21-2). Funding for 12-weeks is also included for an
            additional class of 60 recruits scheduled to begin in April 2022 (Class 21-3).
         4. The Academy graduation rate is an estimated 80 percent. It is anticipated that Classes 21-1 and 21-2 will graduate
            a total of 96 recruits in 2021-22 to offset sworn attrition.
         5. Average salary is $4,966 per pay period, or $129,623 per year.
         6. Vacation paid out at separation is an estimated $4.2 million.

                    2020-21 Adopted Budget $    429,087,197
                   2021-22 Proposed Budget       431,774,584
                                   Change $        2,687,387

         Non-Discretionary Changes
                                    BB No.     Amount      Description
                                         1 $           225,896 2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                         2            238 2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                         3         34,583,054 Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions
                                         4           2,143,976 Salary Step and Turnover Effect
                                         5          (8,129,203) Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities
             Total Non-Discretionary Changes $      28,823,961

         Discretionary Changes
                                    BB No.     Amount      Description
                                         8 $       (4,618,732) One-Time Salary Reduction
                                        12        (36,762,247) Salary Account Adjustment
                                        16           5,813,616 2016 SAFER Grant
                                        17           2,268,982 2017 SAFER Grant
                                        21                32,521 Wildland Fuel Management
                                        23              868,125 Cannabis Enforcement
                                        27              726,702 Advanced Provider Response Units
                                        29              274,755 Youth Development Programs
                                        30              121,117 Youth Development Recruitment
                                        32           4,939,079 Firefighter Recruit Training
                                        34              199,508 Capital and Facilities Planning
                 Total Discretionary Changes $     (26,136,574)

           TOTAL CHANGES FROM 2020-21 $          2,687,387

                   TOTAL SWORN SALARY $        431,774,584

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