Page 207 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 207


                                            Projected Vacancies on June 30, 2021*  Projected Position Authorities on June 30, 2021*
                      Department          General Fund  Other Funds  Total  General Fund  Other Funds   Total

           Aging                                   4          14        18           6             45          51

           Animal Services                          62        4         66           369          4             373

           Building and Safety                      49         144       193         145          959         1,104

           Cannabis Regulations                    -          15        15           -             43          43
           City Administrative Officer              13        1           14         116           12           128

           City Attorney                           134          14       148         938          133       1,071

           City Clerk                               17        4         21           104           15         119

           City Planning                            19        96       115           103          395         498

           Civil, Human Rights and Equity           16         -          16          21          -              21
           Controller                               45        1           46         160           20         180

           Convention Center                       -          6            6         -             13          13

           Council                                   -         -          -          108          -           108

           Cultural Affairs                          -        33          33         -             87            87
           Disability                              5           -           5          29          -            29

           Economic and Workforce Development      4          56        60            19          145         164

           El Pueblo                                 -        4            4         -             10          10

           Emergency Management                     11         -        11            31          -            31
           Employee Relations Board                  -           -        -          3            -              3

           Ethics Commission                       3           -           3          33          -            33

           Finance                               109          2          111         366          7           373

             Civilian                               87        1         88           437          2           439

             Sworn                               187          1          188        3,511         7         3,518

           General Services                        231        99       330          1,032         422       1,454

           Housing                                  18         152     170            57          752           809

           Information Technology Agency         101            7      108           362           91           453
           Mayor                                   -             -        -           94          -            94

           Neighborhood Empowerment                 10           -        10          35          -              35
           Personnel                                95        17       112           510           92         602

             Civilian                              738         -       738          3,479         -           3,479

             Sworn                              1,064            -               1,064    10,706  -           10,706

           Public Accountability                   6             -         6          10          -            10
           Public Works
             Board Office                          9            10        19          72           48           120

             Contract Administration                11        99       110           256          161           417

             Engineering                         102           113       215         350          596           946

             Sanitation                           40           486     526           275         3,149        3,424

             Street Lighting                         -        66          66         -            341           341

             Street Services                       184         259     443           502         1,016      1,518

           Transportation                          191         230     421          1,079         707       1,786

           Zoo                                       -        47        47           -            269         269

                 Subtotal                       3,565      1,981                 5,546    25,318    9,541     34,859

           Library                                   -         126       126         -           1,107      1,107
           Recreation and Parks                    -           512       512         -           1,808        1,808
                 Subtotal                            -         638       638         -           2,915      2,915

                       TOTAL                    3,565        2,619                 6,184    25,318    12,456    37,774

             * Projected vacancies and projected position authorities include resolution authority and substitute positions.
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